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Sacred Geometry

     The term ‘Geometry’ has its origin from two Greek words: Geos, which mean Earth and Metron, which means ‘to measure.’ The two words together literally mean ‘measuring the earth’ or ‘earthly measurements.’ Measuring the earth was an art that was traditionally restricted to the priesthood.


     Sacred geometry has been around across the ages, beginning with the Minoans, the Egyptians, Sumerians, Hindus, Chinese, Phoenicians, and the Greeks who offered it to the public.


     Sacred geometry refers to the various shapes and forms that were traditionally used in architecture, art, and meditation through the centuries. They are the same forms and shapes that are found in natural organisms.


     To many people, sacred geometry seems to be esoteric, but it is important to understand the same as they could help us view our world, which could be useful in our own life.


     In ancient cultures, there was the recognition that various patterns or geometric shapes appear repeatedly throughout nature such as the spiral shell of snails and the hexagonal honeycombs. These common shapes and patterns that can be seen in nature are referred to as sacred geometry. Sacred geometry may be broken down further in mathematical formulas and symbols that form the building blocks of everything in the universe.


     This ancient theory is supported by modern science because the molecular shapes form the basis of life, the same shapes that are identified by ancient cultures.


     It is believed that the construction of sacred structures, such as mosques, temples, monuments, megaliths, and churches; sacred spaces such as tabernacles or altars; historical buildings, such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon in Greece, and the temples found throughout South and Central America; meeting places; and the creation of religious arts and iconography. Sacred geometry in arts may be ephemeral, such as sand paintings, medicine wheels, and visualization.


     Sacred geometry is a worldview of pattern recognition. It is a complex system of religious structures and symbols that involve time, space, and form. Following this view, the basic patterns of existence are sacred. By studying the nature of the forms, patterns, and relationships and their connections, it will be easier to gain an insight into the history and mysterious laws of the Universe.

     This is a very basic description of what sacred geometry is, I am in no way shape or form an expert on the subject.


Sacred Geometry’s significant shapes:

  1. Sphere: It is a container that has the ability to hold all forms. Sphere represents inclusion, oneness, and integrity because all measurements are equal in a sphere. The spherical shape can be seen in planets, cells, seeds, and atoms.

  2. Circle: It is a two-dimensional representation of the sphere. It shows the total completeness and unity of the universe. The ratio of its circumference compared to its diameter is the Pi, an infinite number that never ends.

  3. Point: It is the center of both a sphere and a circle. The point is the beginning and the end of all measurements, hence its association with the beginning and the end of all creations.

  4. Spirals: All types of spirals - flat, right-handed, left-handed, 3-D, equiangular, or logarithmic - show expansion and growth, which makes them symbolize infinity.

  5. Toroids: A torus is similar to an inner tube, with the round sides perfectly circular. The torus is a primary shape in sacred geometry, such as the seven primary muscles in the heart having a toroid shape.

  6. The Vesica Piscis: The words are Latin for a bladder of fish. It is actually the intersection of two circles having the same size as their centers touching each other. It represents common ground between people. It is the symbol of Christ in the Christian religion.

  7. Platonic solids: They are 3-dimensional shapes with each one made of equal-sized faces. The platonic solids are:
    Tetrahedron - 4 faces of pyramid shapes
    Hexahedron - 6 faces such as a cube
    Octahedron - 8 faces
    Dodecahedron - 12 faces
    Icosahedron - 20 faces

  8. Metatron’s Cube: The Metatron’s cube contains all the Platonic solids, making it called the building blocks of creation. Metatron in Judaism is the angel who is guarding God’s throne.

  9. Flower of Life: It is represented by several evenly-spaced circles that overlap each other, forming a flower-like pattern. The Flower of Life contains all the Platonic solids and Metatron’s Cube.

  10. The Golden Ratio: It is a mathematical ratio occurring when two items having the same ratio when compared to each other as the ratio of their sum compared to the larger of the two items.

  11. Sacred Geometry Jewelry: Sacred Geometry has been used by anthropologists, archeologists, and geometricians in incorporating the religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs that have sprung up from geometry in various cultures over the centuries. The various shapes of sacred geometry can be found everywhere in nature as they reveal to mankind the concept of oneness through geometry. The various sacred geometry shapes have been incorporated in jewelry designs in order to facilitate the balance, healing, and self-discovery while at the same time inspiring the wearer as he or she travels towards the totality and unity of the whole self.

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