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Fae G cont. - M

The Grant

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Fire

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Guardian of their Town.

  • Origins: England

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


The Grant looks something like a small, oddly-formed horse, though he walks erect. He warns humans of approaching trouble and is said to be very friendly. He is most active at sunset. Each Grant is attached to a particular English village, where he acts as a lookout and guardian. If there is approaching trouble he runs through the streets at sunset stirring up the dogs and horses. Sightings of The Grant are well documented. He was seen at sunset in many villages, and during WWII a few hamlets claimed they were warned by their Grant of approaching air raids.


  • Alternative Name: Geetoes, Gittos, Griffiths, and Gryphons.

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Destruction of Crops.

  • Origins: Wales

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Fall and Winter.


These legendary creatures usually have the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. Welsh Griffins are a bit different, having the body of a goat with the head of a horse-they can float through the air and have magical power to cause crops to die. They are most active in the fall and winter. Griffins have human voices and the power of speech, but they are very unfriendly and will not hold pleasant conversations. Griffins do not like people, but often a satisfactory arrangement can be made between people and Griffins. The people leave some of the crops in the fields after the final harvest on Halloween so that the Griffin can eat or destroy them. That way, hopefully the rest of the gathered harvest will be spared.


  • Alternate Name: The Firesitter, Gruaghach, and The Herdswoman.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Aids in spiritual quests and in guarding herds. Lends considerable magical energy to spells for Animal, Human, or Plant fertility.

  • Origins: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Litha

  • Season: Summer


She is a solitary faerie with and extremely grotesque appearance, but a heart of gold. She carries a shepherd's staff in her gnarled hands, and wears a gown usually green in color, though it has been said to be made of corn-silk gold. She enjoys any brief human contact and will offer whatever help she can in your spiritual journey if you do not show fear or revulsion. She is most active in the summer during daylight hours. Gruagach is derived for the Gaelic word while means "hairy". This hair is part of her grotesque appearance. She is primarily a protector of livestock, namely cattle. She is found in the pastures of Faerieland in the summer. To contact her go ask her for advice or assistance be direct, she has an extremely limited attention span.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes, but Conditional.

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Weather

  • Origins: Italy

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Fall, Spring, and Summer.


Guriuz are creatures form Italy that look like elves. They have the ability to control the weather, so keeping on their good side is of great interest to farmers. Though the Guriuz may hibernate during winter, they are friendly toward those who raise plants from the earth during the rest of the year.

Gwragedd Annwn (Gwergeth Ai-noon)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Protection Spells

  • Origins: Wales

  • Sabbat: Litha

  • Season: Year Round


These fae are beautiful blonde water faeries who love children and are helpful to human mothers, children, and the poor. They are human in size and female only. They are active all year. They live in and near the lakes of the Black Mountains of Wales. Though they help women and children, they seem uninterested in males except occasionally to mate. They are very temperamental and easily offended. These fae love dancing and have been seen dancing under the full moon. They are an incredibly old group of faeries. The marriages between these fae and the men they seem to take seem to be generally happy, and the offspring of such unions are gifted in music. They make loyal, if somewhat distant wives and are excellent mothers. To contact them go the the Black Mountains, either physically or astrally, and seek them out. They can aid in protection spells of women and children and can even be called on to be temporary guardians in time of great need. Approach with caution.


  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Fire

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Wales

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Gwyllions are mountain dwellers who care for the wild goats of Wales and are rarely seen. They dislike humans, whom they see as arrogant, and so they keep their distance. They are active all year. It is said they once had the power of flight, why this was lost is a mystery to us. The females are nocturnal, and it is believed that exposure to sunlight may kill them. They fear storms and knives. They cannot be contacted.

Heather Pixies

  • Alternate Name: Moon Sprites

  • Element: Air or Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Scotland and Yorkshire.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Like other pixies, Heather Pixies have clear or golden auras and delicate, translucent wings. These fae are specifically attracted to the moors and to the heather that covers them. They are not averse to human contact, but do not seek us out. They have a rather pranksterish nature. According to Scottish faerie lore they enjoy spinning flax. They are found in fields of heather, or on the moors of the Scottish Lowlands. To contact them approach slowly and let them know you wish to befriend them.


  • Alternative Name: Firesitters and Gruagachs.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Milk

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Livestock

  • Origins: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Herdswomen are female faeries that look human, only they're quite old and deformed. Wandering Scotland, carrying a shepherd's crook and wearing a gown of green or gold, Herdswomen seek out companionship and a warm fire. When meeting humans, they normally shun her because of her ugliness, so she is always lonely and cold. Even when she does find somebody to speak with, they normally ignore her because her attention span is too short to be able to understand long stories. If you meet a Herdswomen, invite her to sit by the fire. She will be so overjoyed to have good conversation and warmth that she will gladly help you. She helps cattle find water and stay out of trouble, and guards livestock from malevolent faeries. Offering her some milk will also please her.

His Nib

  • Alternative Name: Clurichauns and Monciellos.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Wine

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Wine Making

  • Origins: Ireland and Italy.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


His Nibs are solitary faerie creatures that are short, wingless, elderly, and male, wearing red hats made of flowers. His Nib find and then guard wine cellars, so that they can drink far too much themselves. His Nibs are cheerful drunks, however. Even though they take wine for themselves, they also prevent cast leakage and stop the wines from turning to vinegar. They gladly allow the owner of the cellar to take as much as they want, but chase away would-be wine thieves that are not His Nibs themselves. The trouble with His Nibs is that they require polite hospitality. Leave out wine for His Nib to drink, otherwise they may become upset by your rudeness and destroy your entire stock of wine before leaving forever.


  • Alternate Name: Billeeboinkers, Bolblins, Brags, Goblins, Gooseys, Hob-trush, Hobgobs, and Scottish Hobgoblins.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England and Germany.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Their appearance can vary greatly, especially since it is now used as a generic term for evil faerie. Some appear as dark looking blobs, others as mean looking elves. The most active time varies. Contact is not advised.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Good Deeds after pleasing the Gods.

  • Origins: Arabic Reagans

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Houris are spiritual creatures that represent the ecstasy of the awareness of God. Described as being attractive men or women, each endowed with translucent skin and an especially arresting gaze, Houris are very tall creatures with no hair except on their heads. They have few biological needs, as they don't eat. Even gestation lasts only an hour for them, without showing any signs of the pregnancy. As a result, a Houri can't be lured by food like other beings. Instead, as pure creatures that belong to God, a Houri may be attracted, or come into being, due to a good deed. In fact, Houris may be pure physical manifestation of good deeds pleasing to God.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes, unless Provoked.

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Abundance, Fertility, Mother Goddess Magic, and Psychic Power.

  • Origins: Scandinavia

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Scandinavian Hyldermolders have spread all over Europe to guard the Sacred Elder Tree. They're always female, and appear as elderly matriarchs in beautiful green gowns. A Hyldermolder can be asked during the full moon to work mother goddess magic. Anything to do with fertility, abundance, or psychic power is easily granted by her magic. However, never try to steal wood from the Elder Tree by cutting and burning it, or you will find that she can attack with malice and frightening magic.

Hyters (High-ters)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Not Quite

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England and possibly Spain.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


They are shape-shifters who appear as birds. They are not predisposed to showing kindness to humans, though they have never harmed anyone. They are most active in the late afternoon and early evening. They have been known to gather in groups and buzz humans for the sheer joy of frightening them. They favor appearing as scavenger birds such as the Buzzard or Vulture. They are found in the skies of Faerieland just before sunset. You can sit at a safe distance and watch them. Contact is not Advised.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Human Blood

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Eastern Europe

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


The terrifying Ileles of Eastern Europe wait near human paths at night. They look like big cats that walk on their hind legs. They attack and kill humans and suck their blood. If you see an Ileles, he or she may try to lure you away from a buls road by dancing or making beautiful music. Do not follow an Ilele. Instead, retreat to a crossroads. Ileles cannot enter crossroads, as the magical intersections take away their power.

Irish Sea Water Guardians

  • Alternate Name: Manx Undines, Sea Sprites, and Undines.

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Somewhat

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Ask them to lend their energies to safe travel spells over water, to aid sailors in need, to work for marine environmentalism, and to help in petitioning the god Manann.

  • Origins: The Isle of Man

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Also known as These Manx, sea guardians are exceedingly small, only a few inches high, that guard the Irish Sea and are beloved of the sea god Manann. They are both male and females and beautiful to see. A green-blue arura of light is said to dance around them. They are fiercely protective, but are still disposed to help all living things in need on the sea if they are specifically asked to do so. They are found in the Irish Sea off the coast of Man. To contact them call them to you while in the sea surrounding the Isle of Man, a place which can be visited on the inner planes.


  • Alternative Name: Afreets, Djinn, Genies, Jeenies, and Jinnis.

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Fruit Jams and Alcohol.

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Wishes (DON'T DO IT!)

  • Origins: Persia to Saudi Arabia

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


These spirits live inside magical receptacles. Female Jinn live in bottles while male Jin live inside oil lamps. When the magical receptacle is rubbed by a human, the Jinn will emerge and offer to do the bidding of the human. However, Jinn are not naturally very friendly, and they may try to trick the very people that they serve.


  • Alternate Name: Fuath (Foo-ah) or Uisges (Ech-ooshk-ya), Nickers, Nuggies, and Stoney.

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Cannibalistic

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Kelpies are rarely seen anymore, they are small, bulbous-shaped faeries with huge teeth and pointed ears. They are sly, stupid, and extremely foul-tempered. These cannibalistic fae once densely populated the North Sea and all the lochs of Scotland. Contact is not advised.


  • Alternative Name: Black Dwarves, Coblynaus, Gommes, Para, and Wichlein.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Whatever you're eating, they want some.

  • Friendly: Conditional

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Mining

  • Origins: Europe

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Knockers are underground-dwelling faeries widespread in European mines. They are short and may appear seemingly out of thin air to make a knocking noise to communicate with human miners, Knockers can be either a friend of a dangerous enemy depending on how respectfully they are treated. However, if they are befriended, Knockers will lead miners to veins of valuable minerals as well as knock frantically to warn of an impending disaster. If you should enter a mine in which Knockers may dwell, doff your hat to them before entering and make sure to bring food and drink to offer. Never swear of whistle in a mine with Knockers, as they hate the sounds of either. If you ever hear insistent and fast knocking, leave the mine and never return, of you may be buried alive or killed by poisonous gases.


  • Alternative Name: Kores, Korrs, and Pyrences.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Not Really

  • Gander: Unknown

  • Magic: Standing Stones

  • Origins: Celtic Regions

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Celtic creatures with cloven feet, small bodies, and thin arms, Korreds are hairy and have enormous heads. Their faces sport pointed features and even spiked hair. Korreds guard standing stones. Some stone circles and dolmens have been attributed to them as architects. If standing stones have Korreds in residence, they will try to scare away people who are not seeking the stones for spiritual reasons. Korreds will appear and make hooting noise to frighten people away. They may accept an offering of metal, since they enjoy its ability to conduct energy.


Alternative Name: Corrigans

Element: Water

Favorite Food: Unknown

Friendly: No

Gender: Both

Magic: Unknown

Origins: Celtic Regions from France

Sabbat: Unknown

Season: Unknown


Korrigans, meaning dwarves and sometimes encompassing faeries as well, come from ancient Celtic regions of France. Dwarves are always short and are usually not friendly to humans. Like elves, they can do all manner of evil deeds, from killing humans to stealing babies. At night, Korrigans wear while woolen robes, and flowers in their light-colored hair. They look exactly like people, and are not too much shorter than a particularly short person. The only way you might be able to find out if they're impersonating a human is by asking them to name every day of the week, since they always leave out one or more, or try to change the subject to trick you. By day, Korrigans are ugly, and the men who fell in love with them at night usually reject them. They love water, and will be attracted to playing in fountains. If they live near you, it's best to give them a fountain or dolmen in which to play and then leave them alone. If you don't reject her for you ugly appearance during the daytime, she may be able to become human.

The Lady of the Lake

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Telepathy and Wealth.

  • Origins: Cornwall and Wales.

  • Sabbat: Litha

  • Season: Year Round


Lady of the Lake is part of the Arthurian myths. Her arm, holding the sword Excalibur, is most frequently seen by human eyes. Lady of the Lake lives in Dosmary Poll, a lake in Cornwall. She is the woman who gave Arthur his famous sword Excalibur and to whom it was returned upon his death. Many pagans and mythologists have speculated on whether this Lady is really a Mother or Maiden Goddess-form. Underneath the Dosmary Pool she is said to rule over a magnificent and wealthy faerie kingdom forever shielded form humans by the illusion of water. She is found in Dosmary Pool, an easy trip on the inner planes. To contact her try making and invocation to her you would make to a goddess. She can help direct you along your spiritual pathway. Listen for her messages to come telepathically. If you actually see her arm rise from the Dosmary Pool, consider yourself highly favored.

Leanansidhe (Lan-awn-shee)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Blood

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Female

  • Magic: Poetic Inspiration

  • Origins: The Isle of Man

  • Sabbat: Samhain

  • Season: Year Round


There is said to be only one of her and she has migrated to Ireland's eastern coast. A similar faerie of Hebrew legend is called Estrie. The Leanansidhe is a beautiful female vampire faerie. She is said to give inspiration to poets, but the reward for her services is death, or at best, captivity in her kingdom. She lives under the Irish Sea off the Eastern Coast of Ireland. Like all vampires, she is a blood-sucker. Rather than drinking the blood of her victims, she collects it in a huge red cauldron which is said to be the source of her beauty and powers of poetic inspiration. This may connect her with the Celtic Crone Goddess who presided over the great cauldron of life, death, and rebirth. Contact is not advised.

Leprechauns (Lep-rah-kahn)

  • Alternate Name: The Gentry

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Most Times

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Ireland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


The Leprechaun is a solitary faerie and a trickster who loves to play pranks on the humans he meets. He always appears as a male, and no sighting of a female has ever been recorded. They are always seen wearing green clothing of costly material and green tri-colored hats. They are mischievous, but helpful to humans if approached with respect. They are very quick-witted unless drunk. He guards the pot of gold, which is a cauldron associated with the Crone Goddess. If one can gain control of one of these fae, one can have the cauldron, and three wishes along with it. They are shoemakers by trade, but their clientele is limited to the faerie world and they only work on one shoe, never a pair. They generally keep to themselves, unless there is a party, in which case they get very drunk and become very social. Music, dancing, fox hunting, and drinking Irish whiskey are said to be their favorite pastimes. They love to dance and are attached to the folk music of their land. They are found in the physical; try seeking them in large grassy hills.

Lesidhe (Lay-shee)

  • Alternate Name: Leshes, Leshiye, Vodyaniye, and Zuibotschniks (Zoo-botch-nicks).

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Not Quite

  • Gender: Androgynous

  • Magic: Aid in Magic and Ritual for the Planet and the Environment.

  • Origins: India and Ireland

  • Sabbat: Ostara, Litha, and Lammas.

  • Season: Spring and Summer.


In Slavic lands they are known as Leshes and in Russian as Zuibotschniks (Zoo-botch-nicks), whose cries are audible and who appear to travel in a small whirlwind. A similar faerie in Germany is called a Leshiye and can assume the shape of an owl or a wolf. In Russian this faerie is called a Vodyaniye and loves to drink. The Lesidhe is a guardian of the forests who is always disguised as foliage. They appear to be androgynous and, even though they are usually found in groups, they seem to have little to do with each other. They are classified as solitaries rather than trooping faeries. Unless they get up and walk, it is hard to distinguish them from the green plants and trees they hide among. They are most active in the spring and summer, especially at dawn and dusk. They are active by day and night, but seem to prefer being nocturnal. All recorded reports of contact with them have all been unfavorable.


  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: England, Possibly Germany, and Wales.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


The Lob is a small dark blob that looks rather like a rain cloud with arms who spends all his time deciding how he can make the most trouble. Fortunately, he is lazy and rarely carries through with his ideas, though he delights in human misery. He may be most active at night. The Lob is a goblin, and is attracted to ugly, raw emotions and to arguments and fighting. Occasionally psychic persons have reported seeing a little "black thing" whenever they have been at the scene of an argument, fight, or wherever a build-up of negative emotions is present. They are most likely to be found wherever there is human discord or violence. Contact is not advised.

Lunantisidhe (Loo-nan-tee-shee)

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Protection of the Blackthorn Trees.

  • Origins: Ireland and Possibly Ancient Rome.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


They are thin and wizened in appearance and look like small, bald, old men. They have pointed ears and long teeth, and long arms and fingers. They are found in groups, but they are neither trooping nor solitary. They are said to hate humans with a violent passion. They are most active at night. Lunantisidhe is an odd blending of the Latin word meaning "moon", and the Gaelic sidhe which means "faerie". Their sole purpose for existing seems to be protection of the Blackthorn Trees. The only time they leave the tree is to pay homage to the Moon Goddess at the Esbats.


  • Alternate Name: Follet

  • Element: Air

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Shape-shifting

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: France

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


The Lutins are excellent shape-shifters and have not held one form long enough for any human to characterize their appearance. They are very capricious, useful one minute, destructive the next. They move from place to place with a little flash of light. Lutins are usually benign in their intentions toward humans, but they have such changeable tempers prolonged contact is not advised. It is unknown where to find them because they change homes very often.

Ly Erg

  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Death

  • Origins: Scotland

  • Sabbat: Samhain

  • Season: Year Round


Ly Erg share some common traits with the Beanshidhe, the Erlkonig, and the Fylgiar. There is only one Ly Erg, he dresses like a soldier and can only be distinguished from a real one is by his small size and his red right hand. The Ly Erg is seen as a portent of death, but this is one with whom you may have a second chance at life. It is reported that he will stop his mark on a road or path and challenge you with a raising of his red right hand. The best thing to do is retreat, because if you allow him to engage you in combat, you will die within a fortnight. He is found on lonely roadsides near water. Since there have been any reports of him in many years, the only place to fine him would be in Faerieland. Contact is not advised.


  • Alternate Name: Unknown

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Brittany and Cornwall.

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Mal-de-Mer has been described as being seen by a human. They live in the sea near Cornwall and Brittany and prey on ships. They are most active at night during storms. Mal-de-Mar is a French term meaning "evil of the sea". It is unknown where to find them or how to contact them.


  • Alternative Name: Barrabaos and Masseriol.

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Male

  • Magic: Light Housework

  • Origins: Italy

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


These Italian faeries can live in either populated areas or rural locations. Those who love the city life are called Barabaos, while those who love the country are Masseriol. They are always male and appear elderly, fat, and red-faced. They are always well-dressed and have a startlingly loud laugh that sounds like a horse or goat. The Masseriol are very friendly, and will help out with light housework, especially if asked by a female. They love women, and might be seen as harassing the lady of the house or beautiful daughter. They enjoy dancing and good conversation with lovely ladies.


  • Alternative Name: Unknown

  • Element: Earth

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: Yes

  • Gender: Unknown

  • Magic: Wishes

  • Origins: Polynesian Islands

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Unknown


Polynesian small people dressed in native attire, Menehunas are tricksters who guard a fantastic treasures. They are known for their ability to grant wishes if they are captured by a human. Menehunas live near waterfalls and will hide if called by humans, since they assume the people are after their treasure or magic. They are not harmful if you don't try to trap them or steal from them. In fact, if you are lost in the island tropics, they may feel sorry for you. They have been known to give food and water to travelers and even to emerge to offer guidance to lost humans.


Alternative Name: Blue Men, Fish Folk, Mermen, Merpeople, Merrows, and Water Dancers.

Element: Water

Favorite Food: Unknown
Friendly: Conditional based on Region of Origins, normally Temperamental.

Gender: Both

Magic: Bestows or Removes Fertility, Female Power and Sexuality, Floods, Grants Wishes, Healing, Lifting Curses, Potions, Prophecy, and Storms.

Origins: Global

Sabbat: Litha

Season: Year Round


The term Mermaid derives from the French word for sea, "Mer". They have the upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish and are described as beautiful, with long flowing hair that they love to comb. Mermen are the male counterparts, but they are not as well known. All merfolk love to sing, and can fall in love with humans. In Finland, Mermen are known to be wise as well as handsome. They can cure illness, lift curses, and brew potions. Mermaids can lure with song, just like Sirens of Greek mythology. They are associated with floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drowning. But they can also bestow favor, such as riches and good fortune. The merrow of Ireland and Scotland wear a red cap, and are gentle and kind. If the cap is captured or hidden, their tail will transform into legs and they'll live on land.

Murdhuachas (Mer-oo-khas)

  • Alternate Name: Sea Cows and The Walrus People.

  • Element: Water

  • Favorite Food: Unknown

  • Friendly: No

  • Gender: Both

  • Magic: Unknown

  • Origins: Ireland

  • Sabbat: Unknown

  • Season: Year Round


Murdhuachas are one of several races of Irish sea faeries, and are often mistaken for Merpeople (Mermaids and Mermen). Like them they have fish-like lower bodies, but rather than having humanoid-upper bodies, they have upper bodies and heads of other mammals. Their temperament is ambivalent. They are most active at dawn and dusk. They are never seen in the Irish Sea, only in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast. They are found at seaside, especially near rocky shores. Contact is not advised.

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