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Herbs A - C

Aloe Vera

  • Scientific Name: Aloe Barbadensis Miller

  • Botanical Family: Asphodelaceae

  • Origins: Arabian Peninsula

  • Source of Plant Oil: Leaves

  • Sent Description: Onions

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Moon

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Hathor, and Venus.

  • Magical Attributes: Beauty, Inner Healing, Peace, Overcoming, Protection, Resolve, and Success.


The clear gel from the leaf has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It can be applied to burns, wounds, abrasions, eczema, psoriasis, and ulcers. The exudate from the cut leaf acts as an extremely cathartic laxative. DO NOT CONSUME! Aloe has always been known for its healing qualities. Great for treating wounds and maintaining healthy skin. It may be applied right from the plant or in gel form for burns, sunburns, and can relieve poison ivy rash and helps to combat a variety of bacteria that commonly cause infections in skin wounds. It is also an excellent additive for soaps and creams as a conditioner. After using gel from a leaf, the opened leaf will seal itself so you can store it in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator for future uses.


Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success. Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon.


  • Scientific Name: Angelica Archangelica

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: France and Belgium.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Root and Seeds.

  • Scent Description: Earthy, Sweet, and Musky.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Venus

  • Magical Attributes: Banishing, Grounding, Healing, Lifting Mood, and Protection.


Angelica is an important digestive tonic in European herbal medicine. It stimulates the production of gastric juices and can relieve symptoms of poor appetite, dyspepsia, and nausea. Angelica can also reduce the discomfort of flatulence, stomach cramps, and bloating. It is a warning herb and suited to individuals who suffer from the effects of cold weather. Early research shows that breathing in vapors of Angelica essential oil for 2 minutes a few times per day might reduce tobacco cravings. But more research is needed to confirm this finding. A cream made from Angelica and many other ingredients might improve premature ejaculation when applied directly to the skin of the penis. The multi-ingredient cream studied in research (SS Cream) contains Panax Ginseng Root, Angelica Root, Cistanches Deserticola, Zanthoxyl Species, Torlidis Seed, Clove Flower, Asiasari Root, Cinnamon Bark, and Toad Venom. It isn't clear if this effect is due to Angelica or the other ingredients. Do not use Angelica in greater than culinary quantities. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Angelica is phototoxic, so avoid the sun for 12 to 72 hours after skin exposure. Should be avoided by Diabetics.


Place a drop of Angelica essential oil on a square of tissue and tuck it inside your shoe when visiting a new open circle, or when petitioning to join a new coven of magical working group. It will help fight the “new kid” nerves that can crop up. To attract good luck, place a drop of angelica oil at each outside corner of your home, or each interior corner if you live in an apartment, dorm, or shared space. Alternatively, fill your home with the scent by using an aromatherapy diffuser to gently waft a drop of this strong-smelling herb. This will also help with purification of a space in preparation for rituals and divination.


  • Scientific Name: Pimpinella Anisum

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: Turkey

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Sharp and Piney.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Associated Deity: Apollo and Hermes.

  • Magical attributes: Awareness, Fertility, Joy, Love, Protection, and Purification.


Essential oil derived from the seeds contains a high percentage of anethole. They possess calming and antispasmodic properties, making them ideal for flatulence, Intestinal colic, and bloating. Don’t use star anise in infants and young children! For treating coughs, bronchitis, and a stuffy nose, it loosens bronchial congestion, making it easier to cough it up and expel it. A good breath freshener in the morning, and if kept by the bed it will prevent bad dreams. Also, a digestive aid and can relieve an upset stomach and flatulence when taken as a tea, and a treatment for colic. Also suggested that anise may be beneficial to women because certain chemicals in the plant are chemical cousins to the female hormone estrogen. Though it is mild, anise may help to relieve the discomfort of menopause. In traditional folk medicine it has been used to promote milk production in nursing mothers. Its recommended dosage would be 1 teaspoonful of seeds for every cup of boiling water, steep 10-20 minutes and strain, drink 3 cups a day for maximum effect. A good general cleansing bath is made with a handful of anise seeds and a few bay leaves. A pillow of anise keeps away nightmares. Also, a good sedative.


Used to help ward off the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulate psychic ability. Fill a sleep pillow with anise seed to prevent disturbing dreams. Use to invoke Mercury and Apollo. Great for aromatherapy. Use in purification baths with bay leaves. A sprig of Anise hung on the bedpost will restore lost youth. Use in protection and meditation incenses.


  • Scientific Name: Hordeum Vulgare

  • Botanical Family: Poaceae

  • Origins: China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Korea, and The Middle East.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Seed

  • Scent Description: Faintly Sweet to No scent.

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Anubis, Bacchus, Ceres, Danu, Demeter, Flora, Freyr, and Venus.

  • Magical Attributes: Fertility, Healing, Love, Prosperity, and Protection.


Barley is most commonly used for heart disease and high cholesterol. It is also used for diabetes, obesity, cancer prevention, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these other uses. In manufacturing, barley is used as a food grain, natural sweetener, and as an ingredient for brewing beer and making alcoholic beverages. The fiber in barley might lower cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. Barley may also reduce blood sugar and insulin levels. Barley seems to slow stomach emptying. This could help keep blood sugar stable and create a sensation of being full, which might help to control appetite. There isn't enough reliable information to know if barley is safe to use when breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. The gluten in barley can make celiac disease worse. Avoid using barley. Consuming barley might cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to other cereal grains, including rye, wheat, oat, corn and rice. An allergic reaction is also possible in people allergic to grass. Barley might lower blood sugar levels. Your diabetes medications might need to be adjusted by your healthcare provider. Barley might lower blood sugar levels. There is a concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Stop using barley at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


Barley may be scattered on the ground to keep evil and negativity away. It can also be used in Love Spells.


  • Scientific Name: Ocimum Basilicum

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origins: Egypt, France, India, and United States.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves, Stem, and Flowers

  • Scent Description: Light and Spicy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Erzulie, Tulasi, and Vishnu.

  • Magical Attributes: Courage, Ensuring Faithfulness in a Mate, Exorcism, Fertility, Healing Relationships, Love, Protection, and Wealth (if carried in your wallet).


Although it’s more for cooking then medicine, it does have a mild sedative property. The flower can be used to help with bronchitis, and has vitamin A & C, calcium, zinc, iron, and chlorophyll. Holy Basil is used for the management of diabetes. It may also improve concentration and memory due to a hypoglycemic effect. Studies have shown holy basil extract to decrease convulsive activity. Use basil with caution in people with hypothyroidism, as studies have shown it to decrease blood levels of thyroid hormone. It may also inhibit sperm production, act as a spermicidal agent, and inhibit fertility, so people who wish to become pregnant should use it with caution. Studies have shown basil’s possibility to lower blood pressure, thin blood, lower cholesterol, or lower blood sugar, so people who take blood pressure medicines, blood thinners (anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications), anti-diabetic, or cholesterol reducing medicines should take caution. It is good as a tea for calming the nerves, settling the stomach, and easing cramps and good for the bladder. In tincture form, also makes a good hair rinse for brunettes. An ingredient of the Purification bath sachet. Add to love sachets and incenses.


Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for luck in a job interview (be careful not to be seen!) or in your business to attract money and success. Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.

Bay Laurel

  • Scientific Name: Laurus Nobilis

  • Botanical Family: Lauraceae

  • Origins: Mediterranean

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Spicy and Sweet.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Adonis, Apollo, Daphne, Eros, Hermes, Ra, and Zeus.

  • Magical Attributes: Attraction, Consecration, Divination, Good Luck, Hex Breaking, Love, Protection, Psychic, Release, Talents, and Transformation.


Some early medical research suggests taking ground leaves twice a day with meds can help lower pre-med blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Sweet bay is used to treat cancer and gas; stimulate bile flow; and cause sweating. Some people apply sweet bay to the scalp for dandruff. It is also put on the skin for pain, especially muscle and joint pain (rheumatism). The fruit and fatty oils of sweet bay are used on the skin to treat boils (furuncles) caused by infected hair follicles. Used widely in purification incenses. Tincture of benzoin preserves oils and preparations. WARNING! Do not consume the leaves, they can’t be digested and can cause scaring in the intestinal tract. Use caution on damaged or sensitive skin. Never use undiluted on the body. Use with caution around children under 5.


Keep potted plant to protect home from lightning. Place in a dream pillow for sound sleep and to induce prophetic dreams. Write wishes on the leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true. Place under the pillow (or use in dream pillow) to induce prophetic dreams. Place in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf to protect yourself against black magic.

Belladonna (Poisonous)

  • Scientific Name: Atropa Belladonna

  • Botanical Family: Solanaceae

  • Origins: Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia

  • Source of Plant's Oil:

  • Scent Description: Sweet and Subtly Floral.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Saturn and Pluto.

  • Associated Deity: Bellona, Circe, Hecate, and Mars.

  • Magical Attributes: There is very little anymore because of its toxicity.


The name "belladonna" means "beautiful lady," and was chosen because of a risky practice in Italy. The belladonna berry juice was used historically in Italy to enlarge the pupils of women, giving them a striking appearance. This was not a good idea, because belladonna can be poisonous. Since 2010, the FDA has been cracking down on homeopathic infant teething tablets and gels. These products may contain inaccurate doses of belladonna. Serious side effects including seizures, breathing problems, tiredness, constipation, difficulty urinating, and agitation have been reported in infants taking these products. Though widely regarded as unsafe, belladonna is taken by mouth as a sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, inflammatory bowel disease, motion sickness, and as a painkiller. Belladonna is used in ointments that are applied to the skin for joint pain, pain along the sciatic nerve, and general nerve pain. Belladonna is also used in plasters (medicine-filled gauze applied to the skin) for mental disorders, inability to control muscle movements, excessive sweating, and asthma. Belladonna has chemicals that can block functions of the body's nervous system. Some of the bodily functions regulated by the nervous system include salivation, sweating, pupil size, urination, digestive functions, and others.


Today Belladonna is little-used in herb magic due to its high toxicity. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous and there are still reports of death resulting from accidental ingestion of nightshade. In the past it was used to encourage astral protection and to produce visions, but safer alternatives are available today and belladonna is best avoided.


  • Scientific Name: Citrus Bergamia

  • Botanical Family: Rutaceae

  • Origins: Italy, and the Ivory Coast.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Peels

  • Scent Description: Citrusy, Floral, High, and Sweet.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Ra

  • Magical Attributes: Elevating Mood, Manifestation, Peace, Prosperity, and Success.


The Leaves have been used medicinally to ease flatulence and colic and reduce fever. It is reputed to contain thymol, an essential oil compound that is also found in Thyme and Marjoram, and may explain the calming effect that the plant has on the digestive system. Early research shows that taking bergamot extract for 30 days decreases cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. It might work about as well as taking a low dose of the cholesterol-lowering drug called rosuvastatin (Crestor). But other research shows that taking bergamot extract with other ingredients doesn't improve levels of most blood fats in people with abnormal levels of cholesterol or blood fats. Do not consume this herb with Bergamot essential oil. Do not use if you are pregnant of breastfeeding. It is Potentially phototoxic, so always dilute before using on your skin. The Furocoumarins like Bergapten are responsible for this. Try to get Bergapten-free (may be listed as FCF, or Furocoumarin-free) Bergamot essential oil for topical uses whenever possible. Old or oxidized oils can he harmful for topical use. Bergamot might lower blood sugar levels. This could affect blood sugar control in people with diabetes and cause blood sugar levels to go to low. Monitor your blood sugar closely. There is some concern that it might interfere with blood sugar control during surgery. Stop using bergamot at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


Place a tissue with a drop of Bergamot essential oil on it in a breast pocket of a jacket or close at hand when assertiveness. Anoint a candle with a drop of the essential oil in a tablespoon of carrier oil for honoring ancestors and spells involving joy and happiness. Place one to three drops of Bergamot essential oil on a tissue and place it in a pillowcase for restful sleep. This is also helpful for banishing nightmares.

Black Current

  • Scientific Name: Ribes Nigrum

  • Botanical Family: Grossulariaceae

  • Origins: Central and Northern Europe, and Northern Asia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Fruit

  • Scent Description: Sweet, Spicy, and Fruity.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Associated Deity: Dionysus

  • Magical Attributes: Abundance, Enhances Fertility, and Sexual Energy.


Black Current contain twice the amount of potassium found in bananas, 4 times the vitamin C in oranges & twice the antioxidants in blueberries. They also contain magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamins A & B, gamma-linolenic acid, antioxidants, anthocyanins, and polyphenolic substances. Good for the blood flow, immune system, eyes, gut, and kidney health. An all-around good herb to have. Black currant leaves contain flavonoids; glycosides, essential oil, essential fatty acids, oligosaccharides, ascorbic acid, enzymes, rutin, Vitamin C & other vital nutrients. Black currant leaves are said to be an incredible immune booster. Black currant leaves are diaphoretic & diuretic, they aid in the elimination or reduction of bodily fluids & they are believed to lower vascular pressure. The leaf infusion is also believed to stimulate the nervous system & may help with stress-related ailments. Studies in France have revealed anti-inflammatory activity in the leaves. Due to the great amount of Vitamin C black currant leaves possess antioxidant property.

Black Pepper

  • Scientific Name: Piper Nigrum

  • Botanical Family: Piperaceae

  • Origins: China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Berries

  • Scent Description: Warm, Spicy, Strong, and Herbal.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Hecate and The Morrigan.

  • Magical Attributes: Alertness/Perception, Banishing, Clarity of mind, Clarity of Purpose, Courage, Strength, and Protection.


Black, Green, White, Pink, and Red Peppercorns all come from Piper Nigrum. The different appearance and taste characteristics of each type are created by the different processing methods. Black pepper contains a chemical called piperine. This chemical seems to have many effects in the body. It seems to kill bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Piperine might also help with absorption of some medications and protect against cancer. Early research has been phenomenally successful in a variety of uses: Men who are not trained athletes shows that taking a supplement containing black pepper and other ingredients before exercise does not improve performance. Applying black pepper oil near the right side of the nose in order to inhale the scent improves stability in older people when their eyes are closed. This improvement is similar to applying and inhaling lavender oil. Applying a specific product (Trikatu) containing black pepper and other ingredients directly to mosquito bites does not reduce the size, redness, or itchiness of the bites. To help quit smoking, early research in men who smoke shows that puffing on a vapor device containing black pepper oil over 3 hours may reduce cigarette cravings and anxiety. Also, early research in adults who are addicted to chewing, dipping, or smoking tobacco shows that inhaling a drop of black pepper oil on a tissue might reduce cravings.


Black Pepper, an ally of law, justice, and strength, can be successfully used by those in the military, law enforcement, and the judicial system. This essential oil not only acts as a protective herb, but also empowers the user through feelings of strength and courage. Use this oil anytime feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, or lack of agency plague you or loved ones.


  • Scientific Name: Fagopyrum Esculentum

  • Botanical Family: Polygonaceae

  • Origins: Central and Southeast Asia.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Earthy, Musty, and Nutty.

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Danu

  • Magical Attributes: Money and Protection.


Buckwheat might help people with diabetes by slowing the break-down of some foods into sugar and improving how well the body deals with blood sugar. Taking buckwheat might lower some markers of heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar in people who are healthy or those with diabetes or high cholesterol. But buckwheat doesn't seem to improve blood pressure, body weight, or other types of cholesterol. It's unknown if buckwheat lowers the chance of death, heart attack, or stroke in people with heart disease. Early research shows that drinking buckwheat tea might prevent leg swelling from getting worse in people with circulation problems. Some people who are exposed to buckwheat on the job develop buckwheat allergy. Other people can also become allergic to buckwheat. Re-exposure to buckwheat can lead to serious allergic reactions including skin rash; runny nose; asthma; and a potentially fatal drop in blood pressure, itching, swelling, and difficulty in breathing (anaphylactic shock). Some people used to think that including buckwheat in a gluten-free diet might not be safe. However, buckwheat is considered an acceptable food by the Celiac Disease Foundation and the Gluten Intolerance Group. Unless someone is allergic to buckwheat, people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can eat buckwheat produced in a facility free of gluten safely. Some people who are allergic to rice might also become allergic to buckwheat.


Ground the seeds and sprinkle around your house in a circle to keep evil from it. Or, use to form magic circles on the floor around you while performing magic. You can also ass a few grains of buckwheat to money incenses, and keep some in the kitchen to guard against poverty.


  • Scientific Name: Arctium Lappa

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Canada, China, Europe, Russia, and United States.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Roots

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity:

  • Magical Attributes: Healing, Protection


Burdock's primary use as an herb is a blood purifier. The root is also considered a diuretic, diaphoretic, and laxative. It has been used to treat psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions. Research has found that several compounds in Burdock root inhibits growth of bacteria and fungi. A poultice of leaves is effective in healing bruises, burns, and swelling. The Chinese also use Burdock root to treat colds, flu, measles, and constipation. They also sue the seeds to treat skin problems. Burdock also contains a substance called inulin, a starch that is easily digested. Burdock root tastes like a marriage of potato and celery; eat it fresh or steamed. Eat young stalks raw or steam them like asparagus.


Cast around the home to ward off negativity. Add to protection incenses and use in such spells. The huge leaves and thick roots have long been used in cleansing remedies. Gather Burdock roots in the waning moon, dry, and then cut them into small pieces. String these on red thread (like beads) and wear for protection against evil negativity.


  • Scientific Name: Calendula Officinalis

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Southwestern Asia, Western Europe, Macaronesia, and Mediterranean.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Pungent, Hay-Like, Floral and Earthy.

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Amaterasu, Apollo, Xochiquetzal, and Zeus.

  • Magical Attributes: Legal Matters, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, Renewing Personal Energy, and Seeing Magical Creatures.


Also known as Marigolds, the flowers possess significant wound-healing and local anti-inflammatory properties. To aid the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns, apply them topically in the form of an ointment, cream, on infused oil. Calendula’s slight astringency may help stanch bleeding, while its antimicrobial effect helps to keep the sight of injury free from infection. Use a calendula tincture as an effective mouthwash against gum infections and mouth ulcers and also as a topical antifungal agent for some skin conditions. Traditionally, the flowers are taken internally for infections and inflammation of the gut, including stomach and duodenal ulcers, and also as a lymphatic remedy for the treatment of swollen lymph nodes.


Dried petals may be used alone or mixed with dried incense to consecrate divination tools. Petals may be macerated in sunflower oil to make an oil of consecration. Adds a special, loving magic to rituals of death and dying. Carry marigold petals with a bay leaf to quiet gossip. Calendula helps one to focus on what is truly needed, even if one is not conscious of what that is. Marigold is associated with the Sun. Calendula symbolizes love and constancy and is great for wedding bouquets and decorations. It is the traditional “he loves me, he loves me not” flower and is useful for love potions. Wreaths of marigold hung over a door are said to keep evil and negativity from entering. Dried petals can be strewn to consecrate an area or burned in consecration incense. They are also a good addition to dream pillows.


  • Scientific Name: Carum Carvi

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: Europe, North Africa, and West Asia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Fruit and Leaves

  • Scent Description: Warm, Spicy, and Pungent.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Mercury

  • Magical Attributes: Anti-Theft, Health, Lust, Passion, and Protection.


It’s ability to dispel wind and exert a calming, antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract makes it a reliable remedy in cases of flatulence, intestinal colic, and bloating. As a result of its natural drying, it’s also prescribed with other appropriate herbs for diarrhea.


Add to love sachets and charms to attract a lover in the more physical aspect. Prevents lover from straying when used in love spells & potions. Ideal for consecrating ritual tools. Carry to improve memory or use in dream pillows to help you to remember your dreams. Sew caraway seed into a small white bag with white thread and hide it under the mattress of a child's crib or bed to keep the child free of illness


  • Scientific Name: Elettaria Cardamomum

  • Botanical Family: Zingiberaceae

  • Origin: India

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Warm, Spicy, and Bright.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Erzulie Freda and Venus.

  • Magical Attributes: Creativity, Fearlessness, Focus, Love, Lust, Purification, and Strength.


Early research shows that applying a mixture of ginger, cardamom, and tarragon essential oils to the neck after anesthesia and surgery may help relieve nausea and prevent vomiting for up to 30 minutes in some people. However, the effect seems to vary depending on the number of vomit-causing drugs that were given during anesthesia or as pain relievers during and/or after surgery. In other research, breathing in a mixture of cardamom, ginger, spearmint, and peppermint from a gauze pad after minor surgery reduces nausea and the amount of medicine needed to control it. Cardamom is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts during pregnancy. There is concern that taking cardamom in amounts larger that food amounts might cause miscarriage. There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking cardamom in medicinal amounts if you are breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts.


Cardamom forges mettle and encourages bravery; the ability to stand on one’s own two feet. Place a drop of Cardamom essential oil on the bottom of each shoe when it is time to remember to be brave and do something difficult. To inspire creativity, add Cardamom to artwork. Venus rules not only love and lust, but also beauty and the arts. See what artwork comes from a painting where a drop of Cardamom is added to each paint/color. Cardamom has been used in elemental magic to evoke feelings of fire. Diffuse a drop of Cardamom essential oil when meditating on meeting fire elements. Cast sacred space starting in the south and only invite the Salamander.


  • Scientific Name: Chamamelun Nobile

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origin: Egypt and United States.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Herbal, Apple-Like, and Green.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Hypnos, Lugh, and Ra.

  • Magical Attributes: Blessing, Centering, Healing, Inner Peace, Money, Protection, Sleep, and Tranquility.


Chamomile has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system. Its relaxing effects extend to the gut, helping to ease colic, and also to the female reproductive system, alleviating the pain of menstrual cramps. Chamomile’s bitter-tasting compounds can help to stimulate the digestion and relieve the discomfort of nausea. It’s a gently acting herd, making it especially suitable for Children. Topically, the soothing and anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile are excellent for treating itchy and inflamed skin conditions; it has also been shown to promote wound healing.


In tea form, made of 2 teaspoons of the herb steeped for 5 minutes in a cup of boiling water is a gentle sleep inducer. Chamomile also makes an excellent insect repellent, simply splash some tea on face arms and feet. It is also a good hair rinse for blondes. Plant chamomile in your garden to be the guardian of the land, and you will have certain success.


  • Scientific Name: Cichorium Intybus

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Europe and Naturalized in North America.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds and Leaves.

  • Scent Description: Woody, Sweet, and Bitter.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Apollo, Helios, and Ra.

  • Magical Attributes: Curse Removal, Divination, Favors, Frugality, Invisibility, Luck, Opening of Locks, Removing Obstacles, and Strength.


Chicory is used for high blood pressure, heart failure, loss of appetite, upset stomach, constipation, liver and gallbladder disorders, cancer, and rapid heartbeat. Some people apply a paste of chicory leaves directly to the skin for swelling and inflammation. In foods, chicory leaves are often eaten like celery, and the roots and leaf buds are boiled and eaten. Chicory is also used as a cooking spice and to flavor foods and beverages. Coffee mixes often include ground chicory to enhance the richness of the coffee. Chicory root has a mild laxative effect, increases bile from the gallbladder, and decreases swelling. Chicory is a rich source of beta-carotene.


In ancient Egypt, chicory was said to bring success and make one invulnerable. It was also once believed that chicory was able to make people invisible and also when pressed against a lock the lock would open. Anointing your body with chicory oil will attract good people to grant you favors. It is said chicory can remove curses, but it is often used in casting a curse. When carried Chicory promotes frugality (the lack of wastefulness) and when used as an incense is a great cleanser to purify your divination items. When you collect chicory with a golden knife, on midsummer in complete silence at noon or midnight it will amplify its magical properties. Often shamans use Chicory to speed up and slow down time during path walking. Chicory is referred to as a “clock” flower, this simply means its flowers blossom and closed in time with the sun rising and falling. This is only recommended for experienced practitioners.


  • Scientific Name: Cinnamomus Verum

  • Botanical Family: Lauraceae

  • Origins: India, Indonesia, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves and Bark

  • Scent Description: Dark, Musky, Warm, and Spicy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Dionysus, and Venus.

  • Magical Attributes: Augmenting Power, Cleansing, Healing, Love, Psychic Work, Spiritual Quests, and Success. Used in incenses for Clairvoyance, Healing, and High Spiritual Vibrations. Reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Use in prosperity charms.


Cinnamon is best known as a spice, sprinkled on toast and lattes. But extracts from the bark of the cinnamon tree have also been used in traditional medicine around the world. There are many types of cinnamon, but darker-colored cassia is the one most commonly sold in the United States. Ceylon cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon, is frequently found in other countries. The volatile essential oils of both cinnamon and cassia contain high quantities of a compound called cinnamaldehyde, which is believed responsible for most of the plant’s medicinal activity. However, because medical research is still in the mice testing faze for almost everything, there is no definitive proof that Cinnamon can help or be used to treat any medical condition. It is recommended as a skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. Ground, or taken with milk, good balance after a heavy meal or dessert. Also used for diarrhea, dysentery, or general indigestion. It is an excellent aromatic and makes a good anointing oil for any magical working. WARNING! Use caution when working with this essential oil, and use non-latex gloves when making blends. Never use undiluted on skin. A 0.5% dilution is recommended.


Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. A popular herb for use in charms to draw money & prosperity. Wear in an amulet to bring passion. When moving into a new home, add 3 pinches of Cinnamon under the doormat to protect and bring good luck into the house. Cinnamon makes a potent charm for fast healing. Simply place small pieces of Cinnamon bark in a mojo bag and carry it with you.


  • Scientific Name: Syzygium Aromaticum

  • Botanical Family: Myrtaceae

  • Origins: Madagascar

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Flower Buds and Stems

  • Scent Description: Warm, Spicy, Strong, Sweet, and Dry.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Associated Deity: Maat and Merlin.

  • Magical Attributes: Blessings, Courage, Divination, Fertility, Healing, Intellect, Love, Memory, Protection, Psychic Enhancement, Purification, Safe Travel, and Stopping Gossip.


There are two sets of associations for Clove because of modern astrology. It’s first and original planetary association was Jupiter, with an astrological sign of Sagittarius and element of Fire. But after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 things shifted; creating a contemporary association of the astrological sign of Aquarius and element of air. Unfortunately, the outer planets of our solar system have few associations because they haven’t been a part of  history in terms of astrology and magic use.


Clove is a plant grown in parts of Asia and South America. People use the oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems to make medicine. Clove is most commonly applied directly to the gums for toothache, pain control during dental work, and other dental-related issues. But there is limited scientific research to support these and other uses. Early research shows that applying clove oil or clove oil gel directly to the skin can repel mosquitos for up to 5 hours. Applying a gel containing ground cloves for 5 minutes before being stuck with a needle can reduce needle stick pain. Clove oil contains a chemical called eugenol that seems to slow blood clotting. There is a concern that taking clove oil might cause bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. Also, clove oil contains a chemical called eugenol that seems to slow blood clotting. There is a concern that it might cause bleeding during or after surgery. Stop using clove at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. Inhaling smoke from clove cigarettes or injecting clove oil into the veins is LIKELY UNSAFE and can cause side effects such as breathing problems and lung disease.


Historical lore suggest that cloves are so protective, they were named after nails. Stories suggest placing a small bag filled with cloves near a sleeping baby to protect it, and stringing cloves on red thread and hanging it near a baby’s crib to protect them from sibling rivalry. Orange and clove pomander balls are commonly seen during the winter months to protect homes and families by warding off sickness.


  • Scientific Name: Trifolium Pratense

  • Botanical Family: Fabaceae

  • Origins: Africa, Northern Hemisphere, and South America.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Fresh and Sweet.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Brigit, Cybele, Rowen, and Triple Goddess.

  • Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Fidelity, and Success.


The flowers of the Red Clover is an excellent blood-purifier, helping to improve skin conditions, boost liver health and ease arthritis. Since the 1930's, Red Clover flowers have become a popular treatment for breast and ovarian cancers. They contain biochanin, which fights cancer cells. The hers's antimicrobial properties are effective against tuberculosis. In Australia, the herb's estrogen-like effects on the body have led herbal-medicine manufacturers to use it to make a natural supplement that helps regulate hormone imbalance in woman (such as during the menopause). Growing clover in your garden will help fertilize your soil with nitrogen.


Magic using Clovers is all based on the amount of leaves it has.

  1. Two leaves means you'll find love soon.

  2. Three leaves can be worn as a a protective amulet.

  3. Four leaves, if worn, helps men avoid military service. It also protects against madness, strengthens psychic powers, enables you to detect the presence of spirits, and leads the wearer to gold, money, or treasure. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, mutual love will result. Seven grains of wheat laid on a four-leaf clover will enable one to see fairies. If you put a four-leaf clover in your shoe before going out, you will increase your chances of meeting a rich new love.

  4. Five leaves is powerful for attracting money, and should be worn for this purpose.

  5. White clover is used to work against hexes, and is worn or scattered around the premises for this.

  6. Red clover, when added to bath water, aids you in dealing with financial arrangements of every kind. Red clover is also used in lust potions and the infusion is sprinkled to remove negative spirits.

In general, Clover keeps snakes away from your property, is grown there. When placed in the left shoe, and then forgotten, clover keeps evil from you. Worn over the right breast is brings success in all undertakings. If you have been disappointed in love, wear Clover near your heart in a piece of blue silk to help you through.​


  • Scientific Name: Coriandrum Sativum

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: India and Russia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Herbal, Crisp, and Warm.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: Mars

  • Magical Attributes: Good in Ritual Drinks, Incenses for Longevity and Love Spells, Peace, and Protection of Home and Serenity.


The seeds have antispasmodic properties and a stimulating effect on the appetite. Traditionally, coriander is often used in conjunction with caraway, fennel, cardamom, and anise to ease symptoms of indigestion, including, spasm, flatulence, and abdominal distension. Early evidence suggests that, when used along with usual treatment, taking 30 drops of a product containing lemon balm, spearmint, and coriander three times daily after meals for 8 weeks reduces stomach pain and discomfort in people with IBS.


If added to wine, it makes a good love potion for 2 consenting parties. To use in this fashion, grind 7 grains of coriander and mix into a wine and drink. Also used in love sachets and charms. Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection. Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair. Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along. Throw the seeds in lieu of rice during Handfastings and other rituals of union. Use the seeds in love sachets and spells. Add powdered seeds to wine for an effective lust potion. Wear or carry the seeds to ward off disease and migraines.


  • Scientific Name: Primula Veris

  • Botanical Family: Primulaceae

  • Origins: Europe and West Asia.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Roots

  • Scent Description: Apricot Smell

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Freya and Loki.

  • Magical Attributes: Fertility and Finding.


The petals of Cowslip provide a soothing remedy for nerve tension and headaches, and an excellent sedative for overexcitement. They fight skin-aging free radicals, and so are also a tonic for acne and sunburn. The roots have an expectorant action on respiratory problems, such as chronic bronchitis, and contain an aspirin-like compound that ease pain. They also have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the swelling and spasms of rheumatism and arthritis. Halve all dosages if you are pregnant or taking blood-thinning medication. The flowers' stamens may cause skin reactions on contact. Never pick this increasingly rare plant in the wild.


A bit of Cowslip placed beneath the front porch will discourage visitors, if you don't wish to have company. Cowslip, when carried or worn, will preserve youth, or restore it when lost. The odor of Cowslip is healing, and a bunch of the flowers help in the hand will help you find hidden treasure. 


  • Scientific Name: Cumimum Cyminum

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: India and Middle East.

  • Source of Plants Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Heavily Aromatic, Pungent, and Warm.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity:

  • Magical Attributes: Anti-Theft, Fidelity, and Protection.


Cumin appears to have the ability to keep cancer cells from multiplying, according to some experiments. In one study, rats that were fed cumin were protected from colon cancer. Researchers in another study found that out of nine popular herbs and spices, basil and cumin were the most powerful anticarcinogen plants.  Traditional medicine practitioners have recommended Cumin for the treatment of diarrhea for centuries. Western medicine is starting to catch on to this benefit of Cumin. An extract of cumin seeds was given to rats that were experiencing diarrhea. Researchers concluded that the extract helped to cure their symptoms. Several group studies have looked into ways cumin can help you lose weight. More research is needed, but results of these studies is promising. Overweight women that were given cumin powder and ate a healthy diet showed improvement in their weight and vital statistics. Another study showed that a mixed population of overweight men and women saw improvement in their weight equal to taking a popular diet pill.


In Germany and Italy, Cumin is put into bread to keep wood spirits from stealing it. Cumin seeds also possess the "gift of retention"; i.e., it will prevent the theft of any object which retains it. Cumin is burned with frankincense for protection and scattered on the floor, sometimes with salt, to drive out evil. It is also worn by brides to keep negativity away from the wedding. It is used in love spells, and when given to a lover it will promote fidelity. Cumin seeds are seeped in wine to make lust potions. Cumin, when carried, gives peace of mind, and if you plan to grow the plant yourself, bear in mind that you must curse while sowing the seed to obtain a good crop.

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