To the God & Goddess
Herbs I - N
Scientific Name: Iris Germanica
Botanical Family Iridaceae
Origin: Temperate Northern Hemisphere Zones, from Asia to Europe and across North America.
Source of Plant’s Oil: Roots
Scent Description: Very Diverse
Element: Water
Planet: Venus
Associated Deity: Iris
Magical Attributes: Courage, Faith, Purification, and Wisdom.
Blue Flag Iris has a long history of medicinal use in treatment of skin problems such as cane and eczema. Traditionally these conditions are believed to be the result of an accumulation of toxins in the body, and blue flag appears to work by encouraging the liver bowel, and lymphatic system to remove waste material from the body more effectively. Often used in combination with other herbs, such as yellow dock and burdock, for these purposes.
Use fresh iris flower to purify an area. Represents a belief in happy reincarnation. Symbolizes faith, wisdom, and valor. Useful for consecrating ritual wands. Used in rituals designed for baby blessings. Jasmine has been used for liver disease (hepatitis), pain due to liver scarring (cirrhosis), and abdominal pain due to severe diarrhea (dysentery). It is also used to prevent stroke, to cause relaxation (as a sedative), to heighten sexual desire (as an aphrodisiac), and in cancer treatment. Jasmine is used on the skin to reduce the amount of breast milk, for skin diseases, and to speed up wound healing.
Scientific Name: Hedera Helix
Botanical Family: Araliaceae
Origins: Global
Source of Plants Oil: Leaves and Roots
Scent Description: Clean, Eathy, and Fresh.
Element: Water
Planet: Saturn
Associated Deity: Bacchus, Dionysus, Liber, Libra, and Osiris.
Magical Attributes: Healing and Protection.
English Ivy might stimulate mucus glands and have expectorant propertieIvy is carried by women for good luck in generals. This might improve lung function in people with breathing difficulty due to swelling and blockage of airway passages. English Ivy might also have antioxidant effects. People most commonly take English Ivy for cough and other lung problems; however there is not enough evidence to know if English Ivy helps. Early research shows that taking a cough syrup containing English ivy leaf might improve coughing and breathing in children and adults with different types of bronchitis.
Ivy is carried by women for good luck in general, and is worn by brides for this same reason. When Ivy grows or is strewn, it guards against negativity and disaster. Ivy is also used in fidelity and love charms. It is magically "paired" to holly.
Scientific Name: Jasminum Officinale
Botanical Family: Oleaceae
Origin: France, India, Italy, and Morocco.
Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers
Scent Description: Heady, Thick Floral, Rich, and Sweet.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Diana
Magical Attributes: Dreams, Happiness, Justice, Love, Lust, Prosperity, and Rest.
Inhaling Jasmine aroma during an alertness tests doesn't seem to improve reaction time or number of correct responses. Also, inhaling Jasmine aroma during breaks between concentration tests doesn't seem to reduce mental tiredness during the later test. There isn't enough reliable information to know if Jasmine is safe when applied to the skin as a medicine. Jasmine might cause allergic reactions in some people. There isn't enough reliable information to know if Jasmine is safe to use in medicinal amounts when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts.
Place a tissue with a drop of Jasmine essential oil on it inside a pillowcase to bring sweet and loving dreams. Diffuse 1 drop of essential oil per 100 ml water anything to bring happiness. It’s also uplifting during workings for joy. New ritual tools and spaces should be consecrated before use, and Jasmine is just the flower for the job. A helping spirit for Jasmine’s consecration duties would be Lavender and its properties. Fill a 10 ml bottle halfway with carrier oil, and add 1 drop Jasmine essential oil that is easy on the senses and the wallet.
Scientific Name: Laminaria Digitate
Botanical Family: Laminariaceae
Origins: Global
Source of Plants Oil: Leaves
Scent Description: Earthy, Salty, and Sweet.
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter
Associated Deity: Neptune and Poseidon.
Magical Attributes: Protection and Travel.
Kelp has been linked to many health benefits, including cancer prevention, thyroid regulation and weight management. If you have a family history of diabetes, you should know that kelp is rich in a little-known mineral called vanadium, which is being studied as an important regulator of insulin and blood sugar. The iodine content can vary in kelp, depending on where it was grown, the water, and other environmental factors. Your thyroid needs iodine to do its job (regulating hormones), but high concentrations can make it malfunction -- so check with your doc before going to town on kelp or other sea veggies. While there are tons of kelp supplements out there, kelp is hard to standardize and the nutrition in supplements may be questionable. Go for the real deal instead.
Kelp is used for protection on long sea voyages.
Scientific Name: Lavandula Angustifolia
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Origins: Bulgaria, England, France, and United States
Source of Plant’s Oil: Flower
Scent Description: Camphoraceous, Sweet, and Floral.
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Associated Deity: Hecate and Serpent Goddesses.
Magical Attributes: Anti-Anxiety, Attracting Men, Chastity (with rosemary), Clarity of Thought, Centering, Divination, Happiness, Long Life, Longevity, Love, Peace, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Visions, and Wishes.
Is an age-old remedy for calming and soothing nerves, improving mood, and relaxing muscles, beautifully scented lavender and it’s essential oil are commonly used for inducing a restful sleep, relieving depression, and anxiety, and for other disorders relating to a nervous or tense state, including stomach upsets. Lavender flowers can be taken as an infusion or added to a bath to soothe and aid in relaxation. Apply undiluted essential oil to relieve the sting of insect bites or to prevent cuts and grazes from becoming infected. You can ass essential oil to massage oil to help relieve muscle tension and headaches.
Lavender is an excellent aromatic, usually mixing well with other floral scents. An ingredient in the Purification bath sachet, also used in purification incenses. It is thrown onto the Midsummer fires by Witches as a sacrifice to the ancient gods. Lavender is a frequent addition to healing sachets, especially bath mixtures, and is added to incense to cause sleep. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Scientific Name: Citrus Limon
Botanical Family: Rutaceae
Origins: Italy and United States.
Source of Plant’s Oil: Peel
Scent Description: Bright, Clean, Fresh, Sour, and Sweet.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Philotes
Magical Attributes: Calming, Clarity, Friendship, Longevity, Love, and Purification.
Lemon contains antioxidants called bioflavonoids. Researchers think these bioflavonoids are responsible for the health benefits of lemon. Lemon is a type of citrus fruit. The fruit, juice, and peel are used to make medicine. Lemon is used to treat scurvy, a condition caused by not having enough vitamin C. Lemon is also used for the common cold and flu, H1N1 (swine) flu, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), Meniere's disease, stomach upset and vomiting from pregnancy, and kidney stones. It is also used to aid digestion, reduce hay fever symptoms, reduce pain and swelling (inflammation), lower blood pressure, improve the function of blood vessels, and increase urination to reduce fluid retention. There isn't enough information to know if lemon is safe when taken by mouth or applied into the nose as medicine. Applying lemon to the skin can increase the chance of sunburn, especially in light-skinned people. Cold-pressed Lemon oil is phototoxic. Avoid direct sunlight on applied area for 24 to 72 hours, depending on sensitivity.
Diffuse 1 drop of Lemon essential oil in 100 ml water to calm nervous agitation. Diffuse Lemon essential oil while meditating to gain clarity on an issue. Banish fatigue with a quick breath of lemon oil. A drop of Lemon oil on a tissue or cotton ball, or even a gentle smell directly from the bottle, will help power through and get the job done. Lemons resonate with the energy of the moon and the element of water. Lemons can be used to celebrate lunar deities and lemonade is especially good for summertime rituals. Lemon juice is purifying and cleansing and can be used to that capacity in ritual, try using it as an asperge or using lemon bath products in your ritual bath. A lemon leaf can be added to bath tea for the same purpose. Either lemon oil can be added to wash water, or lemon leaf can be steeped in it to cleanse your home. Lemon flowers are used in love spells and the rind can be added to baked goods prepared with loving intent. The fruit can be used to turn away harmful spells or the evil eye.
Lemon Balm (Melissa)
Scientific Name: Melissa Officinalis
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Origin: France and Utah.
Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers
Scent Description: Citrusy, Sweet, Clean, and Fresh.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Hecate
Magical Attributes: Calm, Connecting with the Goddess, Fertility, Healing, Love, Soothing, and Success.
Lemon Balm’s mild sedative and mood-enhancing effects are commonly used to treat sleep disorders, restlessness, anxiety, and depression. It is also suited to afflictions of the gastrointestinal tract and can help with flatulence, spasms, nausea, particularly when these are aggravated by periods of stress and tension. Recent scientific studies have shown that Lemon Balm has antiviral effects, and topical preparations of the herb have been used to relieve the symptoms of cold sores, which are caused by the herpes virus. There isn't enough reliable information to know if lemon balm is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Lemon Balm might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use Lemon Balm. It might cause too much drowsiness if combined with medications used during and after surgery. Stop using Lemon Balm at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. There is a concern that Lemon Balm may change thyroid function, reduce thyroid hormone levels, and interfere with thyroid hormone-replacement therapy. Avoid Lemon Balm if you have thyroid disease.
Melissa is a great scented essential oil of great use in healing magic. Aromatherapists suggest it to treat itching, irritation, fungal infections, and more. Lemon Balm is uplifting and encourages happiness in magic. Diffuse a drop of essential oil in 100ml water while making a list of joyful things, including anything that can and does bring joy. Keep that list for days that are harder, emotionally speaking. Along with helping build business acumen, Melissa is known to bestow the benefits of good fortune on its user. Blessing new business space with Melissa ensures a steady stream of customers. Diffuse Melissa essential oil during business-planning sessions, anoint the doors of physical businesses, and thank the Lady of the Moon for her blessings.
Scientific Name: Cymbopogan Citratus
Botanical Family: Poaceae
Origins: India
Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves
Scent Description: Clean, Green, Citrusy, and Herbal.
Element: Mercury
Planet: Air
Associated Deity: Airmed, Mercury
Magical Attributes: Fidelity, Intuition, Lust, Passion, Protection, Psychic Powers, Purification, and Repel Snakes.
Stem Lemon Grass tea was traditionally used to treat digestive upsets and to alleviate stomach aches, cramping, and vomiting. It was also used for a number of other disorders, including cough, fevers, high blood pressure, and exhaustion. It’s traditionally been regarded as having pan-relieving effects and has been used internally as an infusion for nerve and rheumatic pain. Applied as a topical remedy, Lemongrass and its essential oil can ease the pain and discomfort of headaches, abdominal pain, aching joints and muscles, and neuralgia. An all-around good herb to keep. Use in low dilution (under 2.5 percent), as skin irritation may occur. Do not use within young children, as it may irritate mucosal lining in nose and throat. Check for possible drug interactions.
Magical practitioners know that lemongrass is a potent ally for intuitive work, card reading, divination, scrying, and tea leaf reading. Dried lemongrass is commonly carried in a mojo bag to keep loved ones safe from physical harm. For personal growth, Lemongrass is well suited. It inflames passion and is still an herb of protection. It fans the flames of change and empowers honesty and good luck.
Scientific Name: Glycyrrhiza Glabra
Botanical Family: Fabaceae
Origins: Eastern and Southern Europe
Source of Plants Oil: Roots
Scent Description: Berry-Like, Floral, and Sweet.
Element: Water
Planet: Venus
Associated Deity:
Magical Attributes: Fidelity, Love, and Lust.
Licorice is in cough syrups and drops. The herb is also used to sweeten mouthwash and toothpaste. A laxative, this soothing herb has also been prescribed for stomach and bowel inflammation and peptic ulcers. Licorice reduces stomach acid and encourages the stomach to protect itself from acid. Carberoxolene, a compound derived from Licorice, was, until recently, the drug of choice to treat ulcers. Another form of Licorice, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, shows promise as a future drug. Studies show it can be as effective as Tagemet and Zantac. Licorice has estrogenic effects and is used for treating menopausal symptoms and normalizing an irregular menstrual cycle. Licorice is also an antiviral and decongestant and is used to treat dermatitis, colds, and infections. It enhances the immune system, and it may have anti-tumor properties. Several clinical studies indicate it may be useful to treat herpes, a viral condition which currently has no cure. Like the adrenal hormone cortisone, it decreases inflammatory, so it is used to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders but without cortisone's side effects. And while cortisone therapy depletes the adrenal glands, Licorice encourages them to function better and relieves adrenal exhaustion. Studies show Licorice neutralizes liver toxins and increases the liver's ability to store glycogen, which provides muscles with energy.
Chewing Licorice sticks (the root, not a piece of candy) will make you passionate. It is also a good practice to use while quitting smoking. Licorice is added to love and lust sachets, carried to attract love, and used in spells to ensure fidelity. Licorice sticks make useful sands.
Scientific Name: Nelumbo
Botanical Family: Nelumboaceae
Origins: Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Himalaya, India, and United States.
Source of Plants Oil: Flowers
Scent Description: Fresh, Pleasant, and Sweet.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon and The Universe.
Associated Deity: Horus and Ra.
Magical Attributes: Breaking Love Spells, Good Luck, Lock-Opening, Protection, Psychic Opening, and Spiritual Growth.
Lotus contains chemicals that decrease swelling, kill cancer cells and bacteria, reduce blood sugar, help the breakdown of fat, and protect the heart and blood vessels. Chemicals in Lotus also seem to protect the skin, liver, and brain. People use Lotus for bleeding, cough, fever, liver and stomach problems, and other conditions, but there is no scientific evidence to support these uses. Numerous pharmacologic analyses have been performed on sacred Lotus investigating its use as an antioxidant and hepatoprotective, as well as a treatment for diabetes, infectious disease, and hyperlipidemia. Immunomodulatory and psychopharmacologic activity have also been explored. There is no clinical data to support any medical uses of Lotus.
The Lotus has long been revered in the East as a mystical symbol of life, spirituality, and the center of the universe. The ancient Egyptians considered the plant to be sacred and the Lotus was used as an offering to the Gods. Anyone who breathes the scent of the lotus will receive its protection. Lotus seeds and pods are used as antidotes to love spells, and any part of the Lotus carried or worn ensured blessings by the Gods and good luck.
Mandrake (Poisonous)
Scientific Name: Atropa Mandragoral
Botanical Family: Solanaceae
Origins: England and Mediteranean.
Source of Plants Oil: Roots
Scent Description: Red Apples
Element: Fire
Planet: Mercury
Associated Deity: Circe, Diana, Hathor, Hecate, Odin, and Saturn.
Magical Attributes: Fertility, Health, Love, Money, Prosperity, and Protection.
People take European mandrake root for treating stomach ulcers, colic, constipation, asthma, hay fever, convulsions, arthritis-like pain (rheumatism), and whooping cough. It is also used to trigger vomiting, cause sleepiness (sedation), reduce pain, and increase interest in sexual activity. European mandrake fresh leaves and leaf extracts are applied directly to the skin for treating skin ulcers. European mandrake can reduce the actions of certain chemicals that can affect many body systems, including the eyes, bladder, lungs, bowels, and mouth. In the Mediterranean and Middle East, Mandrake has been used as a hallucinogen, painkiller, aphrodisiac, and fertility drug for thousands of years.
Few herbs are as steeped in magical lore as mandrake. It is associated with the most intense practices of magic and especially well suited for love magic. It has great power as a visionary herb. It empowers visions, providing the impetus to bring them into manifestation. It intensifies the magic of any situation. A whole mandrake root placed in the home will bring protection and prosperity. Carried, it will attract love. The human shape of the root makes it well suited for use as poppet. (Substitute ash roots, apples, root of the briony, or the American may apple if the cost is prohibitive). To activate a dried mandrake, place it on the altar undisturbed for three days. Then place it in warm water overnight. The root will then be activated and ready for any magical purpose. The root was also believed to increase fertility in women and impotency in men when carried. To charge a Mandrake root with your personal energy, sleep with it for 3 nights with your personal energy, sleep with it for 3 nights prior to the full moon. The root can be carried to increase courage.
Scientific Name: Calendula Officinalis
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Origins: Africa, Europe, and Middle East.
Source of Plants Oil: Flowers
Scent Description: Bitter, Earthy, and Sweet.
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Associated Deity: Minerva
Magical Attributes: Legal Matters, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, and Psychic Dreams and Powers.
The main medicinal applications of Marigold are skin conditions of all kinds, including contusions, bruises and varicose veins. Minor skin injuries and inflammation can also be successfully treated. Marigold ointment promotes wound healing for eczema and sunburns. The fresh flowers must be preserved in olive oil and then stored in a cool and dark place. After three weeks, the filtered oil can be mixed with wax to make the ointment. Decanted into a jar, the ointment can set and will now last several months. The flowers lend a dash of color to many recipes, while adding a mild flavor to drinks, soups and pesto. The food industry uses Marigold as a natural dye to give cheese and butter a more appealing yellow. The dried flowers are also put in certain teas to make them look more attractive. One culinary delight that is sure to surprise is fried Marigold. Dip the flowers in batter sweetened with honey, then deep-fry until golden brown. The crispy titbits are served as finger food or in summer salads. Marigold tea has many uses. Drunk three times a day, it alleviates cramps and aids digestion. It will also bring relief for nausea, stomach ulcers and menstrual discomfort. Tincture of Marigold eases headaches and can help to facilitate sleep. The tea can be also used in cold compresses and baths as an anti-inflammatory and relaxant.
Aids visionary sight and helps find stolen property by producing a vision of the thief in the mind and the location of the stolen property. Dried petals may be used alone or mixed with dried incense to consecrate divination tools. Petals may be macerated in sunflower oil to make an oil of consecration. Adds a special, loving magic to rituals of death and dying. Carry Marigold petals with a bay leaf to quiet gossip. They can also be added to love sachets.
Scientific Name: Origanam Marjorana
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Origins: Mediterranean, North America, and Southwest Asia.
Source of Plants Oil: Leaves
Scent Description: Spicy, Warm, and Woody.
Element: Air and Fire.
Planet: Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Venus.
Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Isis, Janus, Odin, and Venus.
Magical Attributes: Cleansing, Dispels Negativity, Happiness, Health, Love, Money, Protection, and Purification.
Herbalists have prescribed Marjoram to treat asthma, increase sweating to lower fevers, encourage menstruation, and especially, relieve indigestion. European singers preserve their voices with Marjoram tea sweetened with honey. The herb has antioxidants and antifungal properties. Recent studies show Marjoram inhibits several viruses, including the herpesvirus. Marjoram gargles and steam treatments relieve sinus congestion and hay fever. A massage oil made from Marjoram helps relieve muscle and menstrual cramps. The diluted essential oil can be rubbed into sore gums, in place of clove oil. Aromatherapists use the scent to relax the mind, induce sleep, and even relieve grief. An infusion added to the bath helps relieve aches, pains, and congestion. Marjoram's antiseptic properties make it a good facial cleanser, and it has been used in cosmetic facial waters.
Add to all love charms or place a piece in rooms for protection. Give to a grieving person to bring them happiness. Combine Marjoram with Thyme in a wash or fumigation incense to drive sadness out of the house, especially after the death of a resident. Combining it with violet in a wash, fumigation, or carry it to protect against whatever viruses are going around.
Marsh Mallow
Scientific Name: Althaea Officinalis
Botanical Family: Malvaceae
Origin: Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia.
Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds and Leaves.
Scent Description: Weak, Earthy, and Woody.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Venus
Magical Attributes: Healing, Love, Psychic Abilities, and Sex.
Rich in mucilaginous compounds, the leaves and roots of the Marsh Mallow have a soothing effect and are both used to treat irritated and inflamed conditions of the respiratory tract, including irritable cough, bronchitis, and sore throat. With a higher amount of mucilage, the root is regarded as the more effective remedy for inflammatory conditions of the gut, such as stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastroenteritis, and ulcerative colitis. The root is also used as a topical agent in mouthwashes for inflammation of the mouth and throat and as an ointment to sooth eczematous skin conditions. Due to similar mucilaginous compounds, Mallow has been used for similar purposes to Marsh Mallow, although it is considered less potent. Like Marsh Mallow, it is used for respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions, characterized by inflammation and irritation, that benefit from the plant’s soothing properties. In rare instances, people may be allergic to marshmallow root. To check for a skin allergy, they can apply a small amount of marshmallow root to the area of skin inside the elbow. If no reaction occurs within 24 hours, it should be safe to use elsewhere on the skin.
Marshmallow Root is used for spiritual healing, soothing the mind, and summoning benevolent spirits. Keep the root in a jar next to a bowl of water where you burn your candles, and helpful spirits will be drawn to you. Some modern practitioners burn this root as an incense for improving psychic abilities and for protection, but these are unusual tasks for a Venus herb, which this is. The mucilage made from marshmallow root and water can be used as a sexual lubricant, which accounts partly for why this plant is also considered an aphrodisiac; it was also a traditional treatment for venereal disease because of its soothing qualities. So consider marshmallow in love spells. This Watery herb has been used in Europe for two millennia to help with coughs, as a diuretic, and typically for a Venus herb, to treat wounds and issues of the skin. It's protective of mucous membranes. Typically, this root is not boiled but simply 1/2-1 teaspoon of shredded root is added to a cup of cold water (in late antiquity, they used sweet wine instead of water), which is allowed to stand overnight. Strain, and then 1/2 cup of this cold decoction is drunk three times a day for inflammation of the digestive system, including sore throats and bladder irritation, and for coughs. A mild drawing ointment can be made of marshmallow and slippery elm. Also known as mortification root and sweet weed.
Scientific Name: Phoradendron Leacarpum
Botanical Family: Viscaceae
Origins: Europe and North America.
Source of Plants Oil:
Scent Description: None
Element: Air
Planet: Sun
Associated Deity: Apollo, Balder, Freya, Frigga, Jupiter, Odin, and Venus.
Magical Attributes: Business, Exorcism, Fertility, Health, Hunting, Love, Money, Prosperity, and Protection.
Mistletoe is a parasite that grows on large trees, usually hardwood trees. It's roots draw nutrients from the sap of the host plant. Mistletoe has been used for hundreds of yours to treat medical conditions such as epilepsy, hypertension, headaches, menopausal symptoms, infertility, arthritis, and rheumatism. It is currently on of the worlds most widely studies complementary and alternative medicine therapies for cancer. In Europe, Mistletoe extracts are among the most prescribed therapies for cancer patients. The extracts are usually given by an injection under the skin. Less common ways to give it include by mouth, into a vein, into pleural cavity, or into a tumor. European mistletoe might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it's best to avoid using European mistletoe.
As is well known, Druids revered the Mistletoe, especially when found growing on an Oak. It was (and still is) cut on Midsummer's Day, or else when the Moon is 6 days old. One stoke of a golden sickle was used to cut the herb, and it wasn't allowed to touch the ground. Long used for protection against lightning, disease, misfortune of every kind, fires, and so on, it is carried or placed in an appropriate spot for these uses. The leaves and berries are used. Mistletoe is placed in cradles to protect children from being stolen by fairies and replaced with changelings. A ring carved from mistletoe wood will ward off sickness when worn, and the plant will cure fresh wounds quickly when carried (do not apply to wound). Mistletoe is also carried of worn for good luck in hunting, and women carry the herb to aid in conception, it has also been utilize in spells designed to capture that elusive state of immortality, and to open locks. Laid near the bedroom door, Mistletoe gives restful sleep and beautiful dreams, as it does when placed beneath the pillow or hung at the headboard. Kiss your love beneath Mistletoe and you'll stay in love. Burned, Mistletoe banishes evil. Wear it around your neck to attain invisibility. Mistletoe is an all-purpose herb.
Scientific Name: Botrychium
Botanical Family: Ophioglossaceae
Origins: Greenland, Eurasia, and North America.
Source of Plants Oil: Seeds
Scent Description: Slightly Sweet
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Luna
Magical Attributes: Love and Money.
Moonwort has a long reputation as a vulnerary herb, the leaves are used externally as an ointment or taken internally. They are also used in the treatment of ruptures and dysentery, but it was a favorite in Colonial gardens on account of its root, which is peeled and eaten; its young leaves harvested before flowering are also edible. It is found at both Mount Vernon and Monticello. Victorian middle-class housewives would paint little scenes on the silvery pods. The oil of the seeds contains unusual fatty acids that have been used against multiple sclerosis.
Moonwort placed in boxes and bags supposedly produces silver. It has long been used in money spells of all types. This fern is also used in opening locks (by placing it in the keyhole) and breaking chains (by simply touching them). Horses as well as humans who accidentally step on it lose their shoes, according to ancient tradition. Moonwort is also utilized in love spells.
Scientific Name: Artemisia Vulgaris
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Origins: Asia, Europe, North Africa, North America.
Source of Plants Oil: Leaves
Scent Description: Sage-Like
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Associated Deity: Artemis, Badb, The Cailleach, Diana, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Hecate, and Thor.
Magical Attributes: Astral Projection, Healing, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, and Strength.
In traditional Asian medicine, Mugwort or wormwood is used in a process called moxibustion. Mugwort or wormwood leaves are formed into sticks or cones about the size and shape of a cigar, and then burned on or over an acupuncture point to release energy. Moxibustion has been practiced for more than 3,000 years in China, and advocates claim that it can strengthen and warm your blood and life energy, and treat inflammations and cancers. Studies shows how moxa smoke can improve the autonomic nervous system and induce a relaxing effect on the body. Mugwort can also be used to stimulate a women’s menstrual cycle. It can bring on delayed menstruation and in the past was used to induce abortions. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are advised to avoid the herb because of this potential risk. In European and American herbal practices, Mugwort is used to treat stomach and intestinal problems such as colic, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. It’s also used to ease headaches, nosebleeds, chills, fever, nerve problems, and insomnia. Some who use it also claim that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties, but these claims remain unstudied. Mugwort can cause allergic reactions leading to sneezing and sinus-related symptoms, and it can cause contact dermatitis, or rashes, in some people. In the United States, Mugwort is sold as a dietary supplement and homeopathic preparation, and is considered safe for most people. However, people with allergies to the following should avoid it peaches, apples, celery, carrots, sunflowers, and several other plants.
Use a wash or the oil to consecrate or anoint crystal balls or any tool of divination. Produces visionary dreams and is a prime ingredient in dream pillows. Keeps one safe from dark forces. Protects children. Incense brings protection. Carried, it brings loved ones safely home from journeys. A tonic for the soul, it keeps us aware of our spiritual direction. Burn with sandalwood or wormwood during scrying sessions. A Mugwort infusion sweetened with honey will enhance divination. Carried, it also increases lust and fertility.
Scientific Name: Commiphora Myrrha
Botanical Family: Burseraceae
Origins: Somalia
Source of Plant’s Oil: Resin
Scent Description: Dark, Woody, and Earthy.
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Associated Deity: Aries
Magical Attributes: Compassion, Happiness, Healing, Hex Breaking, Luck, Meditation, Protection, and Purification.
Myrrh is a sap-like substance (resin) that comes out of cuts in the bark of certain trees. Myrrh is used by mouth for indigestion, ulcerative colitis, pain, parasite infections, and many other conditions. But there is no good scientific research to support the use of myrrh for any of these or other conditions. In foods and beverages, myrrh is used as a flavoring component. In manufacturing, myrrh is used as a fragrance, in incense, and as a fixative in cosmetics. It is also used in embalming. Early research suggests that taking a specific myrrh extract might help to reduce several types of pain. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite. Early research shows that taking myrrh for 6-8 days may help cure this infection in women who are not cured after taking the drugs metronidazole and tinidazole. Myrrh seems safe for most people when used in small amounts. It can cause some side effects such as skin rash if applied directly to the skin, and diarrhea if taken by mouth. Large doses may be UNSAFE. Amounts greater than 2-4 grams can cause kidney irritation and heart rate changes.
When it comes to magical uses, myrrh has a wide variety of applications. In fact, the possibilities are nearly endless. Because the scent is fairly strong, it’s often used in conjunction with other herbs or resins, like frankincense or sandalwood. Associated with purification and cleansing, you can use myrrh in a number of different ritual and magical contexts. Try one or more of the following: Burn myrrh, combined with frankincense, in rituals related to banishing. In some magical traditions, myrrh is incorporated into workings to break hexes and curses, or for protection against magical and psychic attack. You can also blend myrrh into an incense to use for purifying sacred spaces, or to consecrate magical tools and other items. In ancient Egypt, myrrh was often used as an offering to the goddess Isis, so if you’re doing a ritual calling upon her for assistance, incorporate myrrh into your celebration. If you’re feeling stressed out, try this: burn some myrrh nearby to help relax and calm your nerves. Another great option? You can also put it in a pouch and place it under your pillow, to bring about restful and peaceful sleep. Add myrrh to healing sachets for workings related to wellness. If someone who is ill can tolerate the scent, try placing some myrrh in a tin or bowl of water over a heat source, to create a scented atmosphere in the sickroom. Use myrrh in incense blends such as Full Moon Incense or a fiery summer incense blend to burn at Litha or Beltane.
Neroli (aka Bitter Orange)
Scientific Name: Citrus Aurantuim
Botanical Family: Rutaceae
Origins: Morocco
Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers
Scent Description: Citrusy, Sweet, and Lightly Floral.
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Associated Deity: Guan Yu
Magical Attributes: Confidence, Joy, Overcoming Emotional Blockage, Protection, Purification, and Sleep
Neroli oil is an essential oil, extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees (Citrus Aurantuim var. Amara). It’s also known as orange blossom oil. The oil is extracted from the flowers by steam distillation. Neroli oil emits a rich, floral scent, with citrusy overtones. It’s used as a base note in perfumes and scented products. Because of its soothing effect on mood, neroli oil is often used as an ingredient in body lotions and cosmetics. It can also be used in aromatherapy. Some evidence suggests that neroli oil has benefits for conditions like Depression, Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, Seizures, and Menopausal Symptoms. Neroli oil has not been studied extensively, although some evidence shows that it can be beneficial for several conditions. Several small studies, including one reported in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences Trusted Source indicate that neroli oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. This may make it helpful for reducing acne breakouts and skin irritation. Dilute or use sparingly. Headaches can result from using too much of this oil.
The solar association of the citrus family makes it well suited for protection work. The shielding aspects mean that it will stand under heavy fire and even works on psychic attacks. Diffuse Neroli essential oil in the home if you fear an attack directed at either your home or someone residing inside. If a specific threat is understood, anoint the subject with diluted Neroli oil (3 drops Neroli essential oil in a 10 ml roller bottle filled with carrier) and anoint the intended target. Prayers are also acceptable, if desired, but not required.
Scientific Name: Urtica Dioica
Botanical Family: Urtiaceae
Origins: Northern Hemisphere
Source of Plant's Oil: Leaves
Scent Description: Citronella-Like
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Associated Deity: Mars, Minerva, and Thor.
Magical Attributes: Courage, Exorcism, Healing, Lust, and Protection.
Extracts of the root of Stinging Nettle have been shown to be useful for symptoms associated with prostate enlargement, such as decreased urinary flow, nighttime urination, and related urine. It is possible that compounds in Stinging Nettle interfere with the conversion of testosterone through an enzyme called aromatase; other compounds in Stinging Nettle are anti-inflammatory, inhibit cell growth, and block the enzyme ATPase-all contributing to how Stinging Nettle may stop the growth of the prostate. The compounds in Nettle root
Scientific Name: Myristica Fragrans
Botanical Family: Myristicaceae
Origins: Indonesia
Source of Plant’s Oil: Fruit and Seeds.
Scent Description: Sharp, Spicy, Dark, and Warm.
Element: Air and Fire.
Planet: Jupiter and Mercury.
Associated Deity: Brigit and Maman Brigitte.
Magical Attributes: Clairvoyance, Emotional Openness, Fidelity, Luck, Money, Perception, Personal Confidence, Promotes Social Interaction, and Psychic Visions.
Nutmeg is used for diarrhea, nausea, stomach spasms and pain, and intestinal gas. They are also used for treating cancer, kidney disease, and trouble sleeping (insomnia); increasing menstrual flow; causing a miscarriage; as a hallucinogen; and as a general tonic. Nutmeg is applied to the skin to kill pain, especially pain caused by achy joints (rheumatism), mouth sores, and toothache. Long-term use of nutmeg in doses of 120 mg or more daily has been linked to hallucinations and other mental side effects. People who have taken larger doses of nutmeg have experienced nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, agitation, and hallucinations. Other serious side effects have included death.
Nutmeg is a potential ally for work involving hex breaking. Diffusing Nutmeg can help increase focus and fuel creativity to make sure deadlines are reached and new ideas are always flowing. Include in money magic and sachets. Carry as a good luck charm and/or to increase the intellect. Sprinkle nutmeg powder on green candles for prosperity.