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Herbs O - T

Oak Moss

  • Scientific Name: Evernia Furfuracea

  • Botanical Family: Parmeliaceae

  • Origins: Morocco

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Solvent Extracted from Lichen (Tree Moss)

  • Scent Description: Warm, Woody, Leather, and Violet.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Moon

  • Associated Deity: Pazuzu

  • Magical Attributes: Divination, Exorcism, and Grounding.


Oakmoss is the moss from a certain type of oak tree. The moss is used to make medicine. People take oak moss for intestinal problems. In manufacturing, oak moss is used as a fragrance in perfumes. Oak moss is sometimes called tree moss, but so are other products. Avoid confusion by looking for the scientific name. There isn’t enough information to know how oak moss might work as a medicine. Can irritate mucosal lining. Toxic in large doses. Do not use above 1 to 2 percent dilution. Should not be used by those with seizure disorders or a history of panic attacks.


For clairvoyance experiences, blend Oakmoss absolute with a meditative essential oil or two, such as neroli or ylang-ylang, and diffuse the synergy while searching the inner self for answers. If attempting to diffuse outside of a synergy, proceed with caution; the viscous nature of this oil may gum up small electrical diffusers. An older style oil burner that works on a candle may be more beneficial; just use fire safety protocols. This method can also be used for contacting other planes and divination of many kinds. A potent tool for hex breaking and exorcism, dried Oakmoss can be added to a popper for direct work. The absolute blends well to make an exorcism oil that packs a punch.


  • Scientific Name: Avena Sativa

  • Botanical Family: Gramineae

  • Origins: East Asia and Southeast Europe.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Epona

  • Magical Attributes: Money and Protection.


Oat seeds are used in 2 distinct phases of its growth: in fresh, milky stage, and as a grain once the seed is ripe and dried. In its milky stage, Oat tincture has been prescribed for nerve disorders and as a uterine tonic. Researchers found that fresh Oats have some value in treating addiction and reducing nicotine craving. Fresh, green Oats ease the anxiety that often accompanies drug withdrawal. Oat straw is sometimes made into a high-mineral tea. Oatmeal has been used topically to heal wounds and various skin rashes. With their demulcent and soothing qualities, Oats are found in soup s and bath and body products. Oatmeal baths and poultices are wonderful for soothing dry, flaky skin or alleviating itching from poison oak and chicken pox. Used in the bath, Oatmeal makes a good facial scrub and helps clear up skin problems.

Use in prosperity and money spells.

Orange (Sweet)

  • Scientific Name: Citrus Sinensis

  • Botanical Family: Rutaceae

  • Origins: China, Italy, and South America.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Peels

  • Scent Description: Sweet, Bright, Citrus, and Caramel.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Adrestia

  • Magical Attributes: Attraction, Beauty, Joy, Prosperity, and Sensuality.


Sweet Orange contains large amounts of vitamin C. Some researchers believe Sweet Orange might help asthma because of the antioxidant activity of vitamin C. They also contains large amounts of potassium. There is evidence that potassium may help prevent high blood pressure and stroke. Sweet Orange Fruit and Sweet Orange Juice are used to prevent kidney stones because they contain large amounts of a chemical called citrate. Citrate tends to bind with calcium before it can form kidney stones. Taking large amounts of Sweet Orange peel is LIKELY UNSAFE in children. It can cause colic, convulsions, or death. Sweet Orange is sensitizing. Do not use in dilutions of over 1% (1 drop per 5 ml carrier oil) for skin safety. In large doses its aroma can cause tiredness and lethargy.


Place a drop of Sweet Orange oil in an aroma locket to entice love and attraction. A gentile yet effective love spell involves using diluted Sweet Orange oil to anoint a candle. Light it while creating a list of traits in an ideal partner. Include things that are important, but do not make the list so specific that it makes the spell ineffective. Diffuse a drop of essential oil in 100 ml water before attempting to make a baby. A stress-relieving scent plus the magic of fertility equals a winning combination. Anoint a candle with diluted Sweet Orange oil to further increase fertility. Divination with Sweet Orange is a snap. Water scrying, by placing a drop of Sweet Orange oil in a darkly colored bowl, can act as a focus for the work. Just softly focus your eyes as though you were looking as the Magic Eye picture, and breathe slowly and deeply. Allow images to form in your mind. Another method is to incorporate air by watching the water and Sweet Orange oil mist coming out of a water diffuser and allowing the mind to wander.


  • Scientific Name: Orchis

  • Botanical Family: Orchidaceae

  • Origins: Global

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Pluto, Uranus, and Venus.

  • Associated Deity:

  • Magical Attributes: Love


All right, when it comes to the medical side of Orchids, most of what I have found is conjecture and there is not much scientific evidence to validate the findings of Chinese medicine. Currently, there are not any studies I have found that indicate medical use that I feel comfortable enough to share with all of you. I feel it would be irresponsible on my part to offer up such information without the necessary studies and research I would personally rely on. That being said, let us move onto the magical side of Orchids.

Orchids have long been used in love spells, especially the root, which is carried in a sachet. Of course, the flower is currently one of the commoner floral symbols of love in the West, and when given, clearly conveys its message. Some types of Orchids are used in creating visions, trance-states, and inducing psychic powers.


  • Scientific Name: Origanum Vulgare

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origins: Mediterranean and Southwestern Eurasia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves and Flowers

  • Scent Description: Camphoraceous, Slightly Bitter, Musty, and Earthy.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite,

  • Magical Attributes: Added Energy, Joy, Protection, Strength, and Vitality.


An infusion of the herb is a useful remedy for feverish conditions and also for treating coughs, cods, and influenza due to its ability to improve the removal of phlegm from the lungs and relax the bronchial muscles. It is also traditionally regarded as an herb for the gut; it relieves flatulence and improves digestion as well as treats intestinal infections due to a strong antiseptic effect. The essential oil had been shown to possess potential antimicrobial and antioxidants properties, primarily due to the presence of the constituents thymol and carvacrol.


It is also widely believed to be a protective herb with the power to ward off troublesome and meddling individuals, especially those who may wish to interfere with one's personal financial dealings. The calming properties of oregano oil can relax the mind, balance the emotions, and banish mental fatigue. Oregano oil is considered ideal for promoting clarity of thought, and has a long history of use in rituals and potions to guard against negative energies or influences.


  • Scientific Name: Viola Tricolor

  • Botanical Family: Violaceae

  • Origins: Europe and West Asia.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Sweet

  • Element: Air and Water

  • Planet: Pluto, Saturn, and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: The Cailleach and Cybele.

  • Magical Attributes: Love, Love Divination, and Rain Magic.


Wild Pansy has a history in folk medicine of helping respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma, and cold symptoms. The drugs and extracts are prepared from raw material of pansy; it is a component of some prepared antitussives, cholagogues, dermatological medicines, roborants and tonics, alternatives, and anti-phlebitis remedies. Wild pansy is indigenous to or naturalized in large parts of Europe and the Middle East as far as Central Asia, also found through the United States. In the Lithuanian flora wild pansy habitats areas have been fast reducing; this not only limits the availability of the reserves of medicinal raw materials for pharmacy and therapy needs but also causes a menace to survival of species. The reasons of reduction of natural habitats and areas of wild pansy are not only unfavorable meteorological conditions (including summer droughts) but also the competition of different herbs and irrational human activities. Pansies contain saponins and may be toxic in large doses. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Excessive doses or prolonged, continuous use can lead to skin problems.

Use Pansy flower petals in magical potpourris for spells regarding divination, love, and weather magic. Pansy may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to Saturn matters (endings, exorcism, longevity, protection, purification, and vision). Be careful about substitutions for preparations that will be ingested or come in contact with the skin. These substitutions do not apply to medical uses. Pansy flowers are appropriate for use in love spells.


  • Scientific Name: Cyperus Papyrus

  • Botanical Family: Cyperaceae

  • Origins: Africa

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Leaves and Stalk.

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Hathor, Ma`at, Neith, and Sekhmet.

  • Magical Attributes: Protection


Papyrus had a number of medicinal applications in the past, though it is little, if at all, used nowadays. The pith was recommended for widening and drying of fistula. The main use seems to have been confined to burnt papyrus sheets, the ash of which was reputed to have the action of pulverized charcoal and was used in the treatment of certain eye diseases. The ash was also said to check malignant ulcers from spreading in the mouth or elsewhere. It was also said that, if macerated in vinegar and then burnt, the ash would heal wounds.

Place in boats to protect against attacks by crocodiles.


  • Scientific Name: Petroselinum Crispum

  • Botanical Family: Apiaceae

  • Origins: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Southern Algeria, and Tunisia.

  • Source of Plant’s Oils: Leaves, Seeds, and Roots.

  • Scent Description: Spicy, Fresh, and Herbal.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Persephone

  • Magical Attributes: Friendship, Peace, and Sleep.


Used to treat fluid retention, urinary tract Infections, and arthritis conditions, including gout. Fresh parsley leaves in tea form are a treatment for cramps, while dried root decoctions ease urinary infections and arthritis. Externally, crushed leaves relieve insect bites, and may be applied in poultice form to sprains. It’s high in nutrients, notable vitamin K1, C, and beta-carotene.


The Leaves, seeds, roots, and essential oil should be avoided in large amounts during pregnancy and lactation. Parsley is slightly blood thinning, so avoid large amounts if you’re on blood thinners.


  • Scientific Name: Passiflora Incarnate

  • Botanical Family: Passifloraceae

  • Origins: North America and South America.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Mercury, Neptune, and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: Neptune

  • Magical Attributes: Friendship, Peace, and Sleep.


Passionflower found its way into conventional American medicine in the mid-1800's, and in the following decades was prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. It way an ingredient in many over-the-counter sleep aids and sedatives for much of the last century. But in 1978, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration withdrew approval for use of the herb in these products, Passionflower remained popular in Europe. Modern herbal practitioners use Passionflower as a sleep aid and gentle sedative to relieve nervous tensions. Passionflower may exert these effects by stimulating a chemical that lowers activity in some brain cells, thereby promoting relaxation. In Europe, Passionflower, combined with Hawthorn and Valerian, is used for digestive upsets and irritation and in a sedative tea for children. Native Americans used the whole Passionflower plant to treat swollen and irritated eyes, and the root as a general tonic. Mexicans traditionally take Passionflower for insomnia, epilepsy, and hysteria.

Contrary to its name, Passionflower is placed in the house to calm problems and troubles, and to bring peace. Carried, it attracts friends and great popularity. Placed below the pillow it aids in sleep.


  • Scientific Name: Pogostemon Cablin

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origins: India

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Fermented Leaves

  • Scent Description: Earthy, Warm, and Loamy.

  • Element: Earth

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Associated Deity: Demeter

  • Magical Attributes: Aphrodisiac, Boosting Magical Efficacy, Grounding, Lust, Money, and Prosperity.


Patchouli oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves of the patchouli plant, a type of aromatic herb. In order to produce patchouli oil, the leaves and stems of the plant are harvested and allowed to dry out. They then undergo a distillation process to extract the essential oil. Patchouli oil has a variety of additional uses throughout the world. Some of these include treating skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne, or dry, cracked skin. Easing symptoms of conditions like colds, headaches, and stomach upset. Relieving depression, providing feelings of relaxation, and helping to ease stress or anxiety. Helping with oily hair or dandruff, controlling appetite. Used as an insecticide, antifungal, or antibacterial agent. Patchouli is also used as an additive in low concentrations to flavor foods like candies, baked goods, and beverages In recent years, researchers have been actively investigating many of the uses and benefits of patchouli oil. Patchouli oil has insecticidal properties, and several studies have assessed its effect on different species of insects. Discovering natural insecticides could be greatly beneficial, as many man-made insecticides are damaging to the environment. One 2008 study found that, when compared to several other essential oils, patchouli oil was the most efficient at killing house flies when applied topically. Another study found that patchouli oil was toxic to three species of urban ants. Immune cells produce a variety of chemicals associated with inflammation. Much of the evidence for the benefits of patchouli oil is anecdotal. This means that it’s derived from personal experience or testimony. There is still a lot of studies and testing to be done before plausible conclusions are presented.


The grounding actions of this earthy herb drop the awareness to the lower chakras, where sexual desire originates. To encourage sexual desire, diffuse a drop or 2 of Patchouli essential oil in a room 30 minutes to an hour before hoping to entice a lover. Note: this in no way impedes the free will of others. The Aphrodisiac qualities of Patchouli merely signal interest to the potential lover. Affirmative consent, first and foremost. Yes means yes, and No means no. The grounding properties of Patchouli are also beneficial for Exorcism, Hex Breaking, and Banishing, making this oil ideal for consecration and purification rituals. Nature abhors a vacuum, so when 1 energy is banished it makes room for the opposite end of Patchouli oil to encourage sacred energy. (Beware the diluted oil can damage the finish on wood. Use caution. Do a patch test if needed.) Diffuse Patchouli oil to consecrate ritual space in place of incense for people with asthma.


  • Scientific Name: Mentha Piperita

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origin: North America

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Cool, Herbal, and Refreshing.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Associated Deity: Hades, Hecate, and Zeus.

  • Magical Attributes: Augment Power, Development, Good Luck, Healing, Luck, Money, Psychic Purification, Release, Strength, and Travel.


Peppermint produces notable relaxing effects on the gut and can help to relieve indigestion, nausea, gas, and cramping. Clinical trials have been proven to have a therapeutic effect of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Essential oils have pain-relieving effects for joints, headaches, and muscle pain. Good for nausea when inhaled. Nervous headaches can be relieved if you lie in a dark room with fresh peppermint leaves on the forehead. Aids the respiratory and circulatory systems. An anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. Ideal for treating indigestion, flatulence, varicose veins, headaches, migraines, skin irritations, rheumatism, toothache, and general fatigue.


Use to increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification. Place in sleep pillow to ensure peaceful sleep and bring about prophetic dreams. Use to anoint furnishings and household objects. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. Use in magical workings to provide the push needed to bring change to one's life. Carry with other herbs to boost love & abundance wishes.


  • Scientific Name: Paeonia

  • Botanical Family: Paeoniaceae

  • Origins: Asia, Europe, and Western North America.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Seeds

  • Scent Description: Ranges from Sweet and Rosy to Citrusy and Spicy.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Paeon

  • Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Good Fortune, Luck, Prosperity, and Protection.


In traditional Chinese medicine, White Peony root nourishes the blood and is a key remedy for the treatment of the conditions of the female reproductive system. Lab studies have shown White Peony possesses moderate hormonal activity. Herbalists prescribe the herd, often with licorice, to regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve pain. This combination is used to treat irregular, heavy, delayed, or absent bleeding, period pains, premenstrual syndrome, fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. White Peony’s can also have a relaxing effect on muscles, and it may lower blood pressure due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and improve circulation. Traditionally and in combination with other herbs, white peony has also been used to ease muscle cramps and reduce intestinal griping, enhance memory and concentration, relieve night sweats, and treat angina.


When worn as a Necklace, often with Coral and Flint, the dried Root of a Peony protects sleeping Women from Incubi. Peony Roots also facilitate the growth of Children’s Teeth. Peony Roots strung together on Necklaces and then worn around the Neck or placed over Cradles will protect young Children from the Magic and Mischief of Fairies. When burned as an Incense, Peony will protect those who travel on the Water from Storms. The roots and seeds are said to have a great deal of power to protect against misfortune, bolster health, break jinxes, and draw good fortune. Used in folklore as a natural lucky charm, healing, prosperity, protection, exorcism, removes hexes. Southern style anointing oils are made with genuine roots, herbs, and minerals. They are used to dress candles, anoint the body, and sprinkle on amulets and conjure hands. Planted in the garden it protects against evil and storms. Additionally, Peony is used in exorcisms. The root should only be gathered at night when the seeds are said to shine with an eerie light. Its root is sometimes substituted for mandrake. In Hoodoo it is agent of Exorcism, Spiritual protection, stops misfortune, Uncrosses and healing, and a success herb.


  • Scientific Name: Papaver

  • Botanical Family: Papaveraceae

  • Origins: China, Eurasia, Germany, Hawaii, North Africa, North America, and Russia.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Moon, Neptune, and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: The Cailleach, Ceres, Demeter, Diana, Hecate, Hera, Hestia, Hyphon, Persephone, and Vesta.

  • Magical Attributes: Fertility, Invisibility, Love, Luck. Money, and Sleep.


There was not enough reliable information to me to be comfortable enough to share any medical information to you.

Poppy seeds are used for incense. The smoke of poppy seeds has been used in divination. This is a wonderful New Moon or Full Moon incense that pops and snaps when burned. The Moon aspect in combination with the seeds' appearance also makes them a good representation of night or the fertile subconscious. Because of poppy's association with the Underworld, they are a nice ingredient in Cakes for the Living/Dead or items prepared for Hekate's Supper. The copious seeds of this Moon plant are an excellent symbol for female fertility, to represent children, or to stand for overwhelming forces (which children can sometimes be!). Poppy seeds and flowers are used in mixtures designed to aid in sleep. They are also eaten or carried to promote fertility and to attract luck and money. At one time Poppy seed heads were gilded and worn as talismans to draw wealth. The seeds are also added to food to induce love or are used in love sachets. For the spring festival of Purim, Jews make delicious uterus-shaped cookies stuffed with these seeds to represent "eggs" (Haman's ears indeed!).


  • Scientific Name: Primula Vulgaris

  • Botanical Family: Primulaceae

  • Origins: Northwest Africa, Southwest Asia, and Western Europe.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Air and Earth.

  • Planet: Sun and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: Flora and Freya.

  • Magical Attributes: Love and Protection.


Evening Primrose is found along roadsides and in dry meadows. Medicinally, Primrose is astringent, mucilaginous, and a sedative. The seeds oil is the plant's true worker. It contains several fatty acids that the body needs for healthy skin, including gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which also balances the female hormones, reduces allergic eczema, and improves the circulation. New research shows that properties in Evening Primrose ease depression and hyperactivity and reduce prostate swelling. The aerial parts are astringent, so soothing for coughs; and its roots may be used for bowel health.

Blue and red Primroses growing in the garden protect it from all adversities, and they also attract fae. Though Primroses, to some, represent wantonness, women carry them to attract love. They are also worn to cure madness and are sewn into children's pillows to gain their undying respect and loyalty.


  • Scientific Name: Ambrosia

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Europe, Northwest Mexico, and Southwest United States.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: 

  • Element: 

  • Planet: Mars

  • Associated Deity: 

  • Magical Attributes: Courage


Ragweed is primarily known as an agitator for allergies. Because of this, almost no research has been done on its medicinal uses.


Chewing the root of Ragweed at night is believed to drive away all fears and nightmares.


  • Scientific Name: Senecio Aureus

  • Botanical Family: Asteraneae

  • Origins: Northern Eurasia

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Water

  • Scent Description: 

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: 

  • Magical Attributes: Protection


Ragwort was formerly much employed medicinally for various purposes. The leaves are used in the country for emollient poultices and yield a good green dye, not, however, permanent. The flowers boiled in water give a fair yellow dye to wool previously impregnated with alum. The whole plant is bitter and aromatic, of an acrid sharpness, but the juice is cooling and astringent, and of use as a wash in burns, inflammations of the eye, and also in sores and cancerous ulcers - hence one of its old names, Cankerwort. It is used with success in relieving rheumatism, sciatica and gout, a poultice of the green leaves being applied to painful joints and reducing the inflammation and swelling. It makes a good gargle for ulcerated throat and mouth, and is said to take away the pain caused by the sting of bees. A decoction of the root has been reputed good for inward bruises and wounds. In some parts of the country Ragwort is accredited with the power of preventing infection. In olden days it was supposed to be 'a certaine remedie to help the Staggers in Horses,' whence one of its popular names, Staggerwort. One of its other names, Stammerwort, probably indicates a belief in its efficacy as a remedy for impediment of speech. With all that being said, there’s a lot of concern about using golden ragwort as medicine, because it contains chemicals called hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which may block blood flow in the veins and cause liver damage. Hepatotoxic PAs might also cause cancer and birth defects. Golden ragwort preparations that are not certified and labeled “hepatotoxic PA-free” are considered UNSAFE. It’s also UNSAFE to apply golden ragwort to broken skin. The dangerous chemicals in golden ragwort can be absorbed quickly through broken skin and can lead to dangerous body-wide toxicity. Steer clear of skin products that aren’t certified and labeled “hepatotoxic PA-free.” There isn’t enough information to know if it’s safe to apply golden ragwort to unbroken skin. It’s best to avoid use.


The Greeks used Ragwort as an amulet against charms and spells, and Witches were said to ride upon Ragwort stalks at midnight in the bad old days of the persecution.


  • Scientific Name: Rosa Damascena

  • Botanical Family: Rosaceae

  • Origins: Turkey

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers

  • Scent Description: Heavy, Warm, Floral, Hint of Citrus

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Venus

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite, Astarte, and Eros.

  • Magical Attributes: Divination, Emotional Uplifting, Forgiveness, Friendship, Healing, Love, Luck, Protection, Psychic Power, and Secrets.


The hips of Dog Roses contain notable levels of vitamin C, and can be taken as a tea of syrup in winter to help fight off common colds and flues. Because of their slightly drying nature Rosehips have also been used to reduce symptoms of diarrhea. Medical preparations of Rosehips, many in powder form, have been the focus of recent scientific research for the treatment of osteoarthritic conditions. The results of clinical trials suggest that it may reduce symptoms of pain and stiffness. Conserves of roses or rose petals in honey are often recommended for nausea and sore throats.


Rosewater is a protective agent worn on clothes. Rose petals can be added to charms against the evil eye. Roses are used traditionally in love spells. It is great in incense and potpourri. Thorns can be used to mark wax figures. Rose can be carried for general good luck or strung like beads for luck in love. Rose can also be used as offerings to encourage friendly spirits to take up residence. Great for use in incense, potpourri, or bath magic. Place around sprains and dark bruises to help them heal faster. Used in healing spells and mixtures, brings good luck, calls in good spirits.


  • Scientific Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origins: France, United States

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Crisp, Herbal, Camphoraceous, Medicinal, and Sweet.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Aphrodite and Athena.

  • Magical Attributes: Confidence, Good Luck, Healing, Improve Memory, Mental Clarity, Intellectual, Love, Power, Protection, Purification, Sleep, and Youth.


Is used as a tonic and stimulant to the nerves and poor circulation. Good for fighting fatigue and depression. Promotes healing of wounds, acts as an antiseptic, and can be a mild stimulant. Good in teas for treating flu, stress, and headaches or body aches. Mental and physical booster. Used for treating (oil form) muscular sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, depression, fatigue, memory loss, migraine headaches, coughs, flu, and diabetes. Excellent remedy for acne or cellulite. When the leaves are soaked in wine for two weeks, small glasses may be taken as a digestive aid. Oil of rosemary is excellent in hair conditioners, and the flowers of this herb may be added to lotion recipes to improve the complexion. Add to all purification bath sachets, love incenses, and protection incenses. Make a simple of rosemary and use it to cleanse the hands before working magic if you have no time for a regular ritual bath. Burn rosemary and juniper as a healing and recuperation incense. Also enhances memory and concentration by increasing blood flow to the head.


Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magic. Use in bath magic for purification. Associated with faeries.


  • Scientific Name: Crocus Sativus

  • Botanical Family: Iridaceae

  • Origins: East Asia, Irano - Turanian Region, and Mediterranean.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Ashtoreth, Eros, and Ra.

  • Magical Attributes: Happiness, Healing, Love, Lust, Psychic Powers, Strength, and Wind Raising.


Taking a specific saffron extract by mouth for up to 22 weeks seems to improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Saffron might work about as well as the prescription drug donepezil. Research shows that taking saffron by mouth for 6-12 weeks improves symptoms of depression. Early research in patients already taking an antidepressant shows that adding saffron extract further improves symptoms of depression. But taking saffron might not help people that have both anxiety and depression. Some research shows the taking a specific product containing saffron, anise, and celery seed reduces pain during the menstrual cycle. Some research shows that taking a specific saffron extract improves symptoms of PMS after two menstrual cycles. Early research shows that taking saffron extract might reduce fatigue in people with MS. Early research shows that taking saffron extract improves sleep in people with sleep issues. Taking large amounts of saffron by mouth is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. High doses of 5 grams or more can cause poisoning. Doses of 12-20 grams can cause death. Saffron seems to be able to affect mood. There is a concern that it might trigger excitability and impulsive behavior (mania) in people with bipolar disorder. Don't use saffron if you have this condition. Saffron slows down the central nervous system. Anesthesia and other medications used during surgery also affect the central nervous system. The combined effects might be harmful. Stop taking saffron at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.


According to Greek lore, a girl who ate Saffron for a week would not be able to resist a potential lover. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Saffron improves sexual potency, menstruation, blood circulation, and energy levels. Saffron is added to love sachets as well as those aimed to raising lustful feelings. It is used in healing spells, and the infusion is used as wash water for hands prior to healing rituals. At one point in Persia (Iran), pregnant women wore a ball of Saffron at the pit of the stomach to ensure a speedy delivery. The infusion, drunk, enables you to foresee the future, and simply ingesting Saffron dispels melancholy. In fact, one early author warns against eating too much Saffron lest one should "die of excessive joy"! Saffron is the home keeps lizards from venturing in, and wearing a chaplet of Saffron will protect you from inebriation (and will probably be the subject of a few comments from your friends). Sheets were rinsed with a Saffron infusion in Ireland so that the arms and legs would be strengthened during sleep, and the ancient Persians utilized Saffron to raise the wind.


  • Scientific Name: Salvia Officinalis

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origin: Mediterranean and United States.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Flowers, Leaves

  • Scent Description: Soft, Herbal, and Musty.

  • Element: Air

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Associated Deity: Zeus

  • Magical Attributes: Dreaming, Euphoria, Fertility, Healing, Health, Immortality, Longevity, Love, Lunar Rituals, Prosperity, Protection, Ritual Consecration, Secrets, Wisdom, and Wishes.


Sage is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial remedy and is frequently used as a mouthwash and gargle for sore throats, gum infections, tonsillitis, and mouth ulcers. It appears to have a drying effect on excessive swearing and is popular herb for the treatment of night sweats associated with menopause. Sage also has a beneficial effect on the mind, improving memory, concentration, and mood; results of a recent clinical trial suggest that it may have a positive effect on the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Modern research has mostly focused on its beneficial effects on the circulatory system and the heart. Some clinical trials indicate potential use for the treatment of angina and high blood pressure. Lab studies have shown liver-protective effects and may explain traditional Chinese use in treating acute and chronic liver conditions.


Used for self-purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who is ailing when performing healing spells or rituals. Write a wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights -- if you dream of your wish, it will come true; if not, bury the leaf in the ground so that no bad will come to you.


  • Scientific Name: Santalum Album (White Sandalwood); Pterocarpus Santalinus (Red Sandalwood).

  • Botanical Family: Santalacea

  • Origin: Australian, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Hawaii, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

  • Source of Plant’s oil: Bark

  • Scent Description: Sweet, Dark, and Woody.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Moon and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: Li Shizhen

  • Magical Attributes: Healing, Nurturing, and Spirituality.


In traditional medicine, Sandalwood oil has been used as an antiseptic and astringent, and for the treatment of headache, stomachache, and urinary and genital disorders. In India, the essential oil, emulsion, or paste of Sandalwood is used in the treatment of inflammatory and eruptive skin diseases. The oil has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic medicinal system as a diuretic and mild stimulant, and for smoothing the skin. The leaves and bark were used by early Hawaiians to treat dandruff, lice, skin inflammation, and sexually transmitted diseases. Sandalwood oil has also demonstrated repellency against the crop pest Tetranychus urticae (two-spotted spider mite). Early research suggests that inhaling fragrance from white sandalwood oil for 20 minutes or applying White Sandalwood oil to the skin does not improve mental alertness or attentiveness in healthy individuals. Early research shows that taking a mixture of White Sandalwood, Tamarind, and Neem may reduce discomfort and discharge from the vagina in women with a vaginal infection.


Due to increase in poaching Sandalwood trees and strict export laws, ethical growing practices have flourished in countries like Australia where Australian Sandalwood has started making up the lion’s share of the market. For ethically sourced Sandalwood, consider Australian Sandalwood an aromatic replacement. As it is a very closely related species, it will carry the same correspondences, without the moral and ethical dilemmas of sourcing materials legally. Burn Red Sandalwood chips over incense charcoal while meditating and watching the smoke to seek the truth on an important matter. Allow the mind to drift and await messages from the Divine, or spirit guides.

St. John's Wort

  • Scientific Name: Hypericum Perforatum

  • Botanical Family: Hypericaceae

  • Origins: Australia, Eurasia, North America, South Africa, and South America.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower

  • Scent Description:

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Balder, The Cailleach, Minerva, and Nemesis.

  • Magical Attributes: Divination, Happiness, Health, Love, Protection, and Strength.


St. John's Wort is one of the oldest-known remedies and was widely used from the time of Discords through the Middle Ages. Its use dates back to the first century, as it was used by a military doctor by the name of Proscurides. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians used St. John's Wort to dress battle wounds, as well as treat burns, bruises, and inflammations. Hundreds of years later, as battles raged in the Holy Land, the Crusaders treated their wounds with St. John's Wort in much the same way. In the Middle Ages, heart conditions, jaundice, dysentery, bleeding, urinary troubles, and nervous depression were all treated with the herb. After falling into disuse early in the late century, St. John's Wort has seen a remarkable revival in the past few decades. It is currently the most widely used herb in modern herbal medicine for treating mild to moderate depression. Modern science is confirming what the ancients knew. In 2009, researchers evaluated 29 clinical trials conducted on St. John's Wort for mild to moderate depression and concluded that is more effective than a placebo and as effective as standard prescription antidepressants with fewer adverse effects. St. John's Wort has gained global recognition as an effective treatment for minor depression, with 2007 worldwide sales exceeding $100 million. St. John's Wort is being investigated for use in viral infections. Hypericin, one of its active constituents, has been shown to be highly active against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex 1-the virus known to cause cold sores and fever blisters.

Because of its cheerful color and the fact that it blooms remarkably close to the summer solstice, St. John's Wort is used magically to invoke the solar energies of the god principle, the embodiment of masculine energy that manifests as the consort and balance to the divine feminine. Additionally, St. John's Wort can be used to promote calmness and peace. It is also used in fae magic. By touching the correct number of blossoms to a fae stone, the portal to the fae realm is said to be revealed. Worn, the herb wards off fever and colds, makes soldiers invincible, and attracts love. It is gathered on Midsummer or on a Friday and worn it will keep mental illness at bay and will also cure melancholy. When placed in a jar and hung by a window, St. John's Wort protects against thunderbolts, fire, and evil spirits. Both flowers and leaved are used for this purpose. It is also dried over the Midsummer fires and hung near the

Tangerine (aka Mandarin)

  • Scientific Name: Citrus Reticulata

  • Botanical Family: Rutaceae

  • Origins: China, South America, and United States.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Peels

  • Scent Description: Sweet, Citrusy, Light, Tangy, and Fruity.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Sun

  • Associated Deity: Sekhmet

  • Magical Attributes: Clarity, Energy, Lifting Mood, Protection, Purification, Strength, and Vitality.


People take Tangerine peel by mouth for asthma, indigestion, clogged arteries, cancer prevention, chemotherapy side effects, colon and rectal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), liver disease, and lung cancer. Tangerine might reduce the risk of cancer. The peel seems to stop the growth of, or increase the death of, cancer cells. There is extraordinarily little research done on Tangerines, so other claims are unproven and yet to be tested in studies. Patch test diluted oil, and take care given citrus’s acidic nature. Do not use with dilutions greater that 2.5% without supervision.


Place a drop of Tangerine oil in an aroma locket to bring a joyful spring to each step. Tangerines govern the magic of calm, cool, and collected. To restore calm to a chaotic home, anoint a candle (orange is an uplifting and thoughtful color) with 1 drop Tangerine essential oil in a 2 ml bottle filled with carrier oil. Burn on a Sunday or Friday. Inspiration is the bread and butter for creative people of many jobs, cultures, and aspirations. Creative pursuits do not fall only under the auspices of artists. To increase the inspiration and creative flow, diffuse essential oil in studios, offices, and work spaces. If a spell, charm, or talisman is in need of a little extra oomph, Tangerine essential oil can provide extra power. All dried peels with a drop of essential oil on it to mojo bags for a citrus boost. Anoint talismans regularly with diluted Tangerine oil to keep the intention going.


  • Scientific Name: Artemisia Dracunculus

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origin: Eurasia and North America.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Sweet and Mildly Anise.

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Mars and Sun.

  • Associated Deity: Artemis

  • Magical Attributes: Banishing Nightmares, Blessing, Break Free from Old Connections and Habits, Cleansing, Granting Wishes, Mental Clarity, and Prosperity.


Contains an essential oil component that is reputed to have similar properties to that of anise, which is often used to treat digestive symptoms. Russian Tarragon has been used for stimulating the appetite. In Some countries, it is traditionally used to treat the symptoms of diabetes; recent scientific research appears to support this. Preliminary studies in diabetic animals found that an alcoholic extract of French Tarragon lowered the levels of both insulin and sugar in the blood.


Healing in abuse situations and compassion magic for others. Use Tarragon for consecrating chalices.


  • Scientific Name: Carduul

  • Botanical Family: Asteraceae

  • Origins: Africa, Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, and North America.

  • Source of Plant's Oil: Flower and Stalk.

  • Scent Description: Sweet

  • Element: Fire

  • Planet: Jupiter and Mars

  • Associated Deity: Loki, Minerva, Pan, Set, and Thor.

  • Magical Attributes: Exorcism, Healing, Hex-Breaking, Protection, and Strength.


Although there are several species of Thistle, Milk Thistle is the most medically relevant. Romans cultivated it as a vegetable, and they combined Milk Thistle sap with honey to create a concoction thought to regulate bile. By the 12th century, the herb had become well established in the medical traditions of several European countries, particularly Germany, for treating conditions believed to be linked to a poorly functioning liver. In the 1960's, interest in Milk Thistle was rekindled when researchers isolated a complex of chemicals from the herb's seeds with pronounced liver-protecting properties. Today, Milk Thistle is taken to protect the liver against many toxins, including certain drugs such as acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage in high doses. It is recommended for viral hepatitis, chronic liver disease, and certain types of liver cirrhosis. Science had confirmed that compounds in Milk Thistle called flavonolignans (collectively referred to as silymarin) protect lever cells from damage caused by alcohol, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and the very poisonous Death cap Mushroom (Amanita Phalloides). Milk Thistle and its active compounds are undergoing research in the US and abroad. According to the National Cancer Institute, silymarin protects the liver by preventing toxins from entering cells and by revving up enzymes that detoxify toxins in the liver. Silymarin can protect liver cells during chemotherapy and appear to boost the effect of certain chemotherapy drugs.


A bowl of Thistles placed in a room strengthens the spirits and renews the vitality of all within it. Carry Thistle (or part of it) for energy and strength. Grown in the garden, Thistle’s ward off thieves; grown in a pot and on the doorstep, they protect against evil. A Thistle blossom carried in the pocket guards its bearer. Thrown onto a fire, Thistles deflect lightning away from the house. If you have had a spell cast against you, wear a shirt made of fibers spun and woven from the Thistle to break it and any other spell. Stuff hex-breaking poppets with Thistle. If strewn in the home and other buildings, it exorcises evil. Thistles are also sued in healing spells, and when men carry it, they become better lovers. Thistle also drives out melancholy when worn or carried. Wear Holy Thistle to protect yourself from evil and add to purification baths. Holy Thistle is also used in hex-breaking spells. The Anglo-Saxons recorded the fact that if Milk Thistle were hung arounds a man's neck, all snakes in his presence would begin fighting (do not know how much of that is true, but there you go).


  • Scientific Name: Thymus Vulgaris

  • Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

  • Origin: Southern Europe and  Mediterranean.

  • Source of Plant’s Oil: Leaves

  • Scent Description: Herbaceous, Strong, Hot, and Penetrating.

  • Element: Water

  • Planet: Sun and Venus.

  • Associated Deity: Ares, Freya, Thor, and Tyr.

  • Magical Attributes: Cleansing, Courage, Healing, Health, Love, Personal Energy, Psychic Energy and Powers, Purification Incense, and Sleep.


Has potent anti-microbial properties. Also, a muscle relaxant, and can thin mucus in the lungs. Alleviates symptoms of indigestion. Powerful antibacterial, antibiotic, and diuretic properties. Thyme helps eliminate wastes from the body. It is used in treating whooping coughs, warts, rheumatism, and acne. A strong antiseptic which when prepared by infusion is useful for poor digestion, exhaustion, colds, and infections, and with honey is an effective treatment for sore throats. Thyme is also used in tea form as a fever breaker, headache reducer and to be rid of intestinal worms, and can be used as a mouthwash. Also, a great insect repellent. Use both the leaves and flowers. This tea works best for headaches when taken cold.


Take a magical cleansing bath in the spring of Thyme and Marjoram (used in tea form or whole herbs). A pillow stuffed with it cures nightmares. Wear a sprig to ward off unbearable grief or provide strength and courage when needed. Burn or hang Thyme in the home for banishing, purification, and to attract good health for all occupants. Use in cleansing baths prior to working candle magic. Use in dream pillows to ward off nightmares and ensure restful sleep. Add a Thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money. Place in a jar and keep in the home or at work for good luck.

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